

The Reseach of Resources of Ornamental Carprifoliaceae Plants in Tianshui Gansu Province
摘要 根据调查研究,甘肃天水忍冬科观赏植物有50种,隶属于9属。其中在天水园林应用观赏植物有11种2变型2品种,隶属于4属。本文对这些观赏植物分布、习性、观赏价值、园林应用进行全面论述。 It has initially proved through investigation that there are 50 kinds of ornamental Carprifoliaceae plants in Tianshui which belong 9 plant genus.Among them,ornamental plants are used in Tianshui Garden there are 11 species of 2 variants and 2 species belonging to 4 genera.this article records the distribution habits of ornamental plants and the application of ornamental value gardens are comprehensively discussed.
作者 陈西仓 CHEN Xi-cang(Gansu Forestry Technological College,Tianshui Gansu 741020,China)
出处 《青海农林科技》 2019年第3期44-47,共4页 Science and Technology of Qinghai Agriculture and Forestry
关键词 天水 观赏植物 资源 忍冬科 Tianshui Gansu Ornamental plant Resources Carprifoliaceae
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