
大鼠体内百草枯组织分布研究 被引量:6

Study of tissue distribution of paraquat in rats
摘要 目的探索性研究百草枯在大鼠体内的组织分布情况。方法雄性大鼠36只采用数字表法随机分为9组,分别为给药前组、给药后0.5、1、3、6、10、24、48、72 h组,给药前组不给予百草枯,直接处死取组织;给药后组单次灌胃给予90 mg/kg百草枯,分别于对应时间点处死大鼠,处死前取血浆,处死后分别取心、肝、肺、肾、大脑、小脑、胃组织,对组织进行匀浆提取,采用高效液相色谱-质谱联用法(liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry,LC-MS/MS)测定各组织和血浆中百草枯浓度。结果大鼠灌胃给予百草枯后,胃、肾、肺和肝的最高质量浓度均>30μg/g,心、大脑和小脑的最高质量浓度均<10μg/g。胃和肺1 h质量浓度最高,分别为(205.5±69.5)μg/g、(35.5±28.0)μg/g;肾和肝3 h浓度最高,分别为(124.8±146.9)μg/g、(30.9±42.1)μg/g。各组织和血浆大多数浓度点个体间变异超过50%,呈现较高的个体差异。结论百草枯体内分布状况与其中毒后靶器官损伤部位及损伤程度高度一致,百草枯血浆质量浓度仅能间接反映百草枯体内情况,并不能代表受损伤器官中毒物质量浓度水平,临床中应重点关注各靶器官的损伤和器官衰竭情况,及时干预和救治。 Objective To study of the tissue distribution of paraquat in rats.Methods Thirty-six male rats were divided into nine groups:the pre-administration group,the 0.5,1,3,6,10,24,48 and 72 hours after administration.The pre-administration group did not give paraquat,and the tissues were directly taken.The post-administration group was given 90 mg/kg paraquat by single administration,and the tissues and plasma were taken at the corresponding time points.Heart,liver,lung,kidney,brain,cerebellum,stomach were taken for homogenate extraction,and paraquat concentration in tissues and plasma was determined by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry(LC-MS/MS).Results The highest concentration of paraquat in stomach,kidney,lung and liver was more than 30μg/g,and the highest concentration of paraquat in heart,brain and cerebellum was less than 10μg/g.The highest concentrations were found in stomach and lung at 1 hour(205.5±69.5)μg/g and(35.5±28.0)μg/g,respectively.The highest concentrations were found in kidney and liver at 3 hours(124.8±146.9)μg/g and(30.9±42.1)μg/g,respectively.Most of the concentration in tissues and plasma varied more than 50%individually,showing higher individual differences.Conclusion The distribution of paraquat in vivo is highly similar with the damage location and degree of target organs after poisoning.The plasma concentration of paraquat can only indirectly reflect of the paraquat in vivo,but can not represent the level of poisons in injured organs.We should pay attention to the damage and failure of target organs in clinical practice,and timely intervention and treatment.
作者 李鹏飞 范家明 刘河 张茜 安卓玲 刘丽宏 Li Pengfei;Fan Jiaming;Liu He;Zhang Xi;An Zhuoling;Liu Lihong(Department of Pharmacy,Beijing Chaoyang Hospital,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100020,China)
出处 《首都医科大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第5期726-730,共5页 Journal of Capital Medical University
基金 国家自然科学青年基金资助(81501655) 科技部重大新药创制课题(2017ZX09101001)~~
关键词 百草枯 组织分布 高效液相色谱-质谱联用法 paraquat tissue distribution liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry(LC-MS/MS)
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