
后量子的智能电表隐私保护方案 被引量:5

Post-Quantum Privacy Preserving Smart Metering System
摘要 智能电网作为下一代的电力系统,允许电力供应商对用户数据进行高频率地数据采集以支持能耗监管、智能配电与能源管理.然而,细粒度的用户能耗相关数据也带来了安全与隐私方面的挑战,如何保护智能电网的用户隐私已经成为智能电网研究中的关键问题.当今量子计算科学正在快速发展,在抗量子计算领域基于格的密码学是相当有效的.关注智能电网的三层模型中用户电表与小区集中器的实时数据上传阶段的隐私保护问题,可利用基于格的可链接环签名来构造抗量子计算的保护用户隐私的智能电表数据采集方案.选择一个较为先进的基于格的在one-out-of-many证明之上构造的次线性大小的环签名方案,并为其增添可链接性以期为抗量子计算的隐私保护系统提供异常用户监测和追踪功能.利用后量子签名方案,该系统可以支持动态的用户加入和撤销,拥有更好的灵活性与实用性.对该系统进行安全性证明与性能分析,以表明其有效性. As the next generation of power system,smart grid allows power suppliers to collect data in high-frequency from consumers data to support energy consumption regulation,intelligent electricity distribution and energy management.However,fine-grained energy related data also introduces challenges in security and privacy.How to protect consumer privacy has become a key issue in smart grid research.Currently,quantum computing science is developing rapidly.Lattice-based cryptography is one of the most promising families of candidates to the quantum-resistantwork.Concerning about the privacy protection inthe process of uploading real-time data from user meters to cell concentrators in the three-level model of smart grid,in this paper,we use lattice-based linkable ring signature to construct a quantum-resistant smart meter data acquisition scheme to protect user privacy.We choose an advanced short lattice-based ring signature scheme,which is built on the top of one-out-of-many proof with sub-linear size,and we add linkability to it in order to provide anomalous user monitoring and tracking functions for the quantum-resistant privacy preserving system.With a post-quantum signature scheme,our system supports dynamic user to join and revoke,and has better flexibility and practicability.The security proof and performance analysis of the system are carried out to show its effectiveness and feasibility.
作者 田杨童 张煌 谢少浩 张方国 Tian Yangtong;Zhang Huang;Xie Shaohao;Zhang Fangguo(School of Data and Computer Science,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510006;Guangdong Key Laboratory of Information Security Technology(Sun Yat-sen University),Guangzhou 510006)
出处 《计算机研究与发展》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第10期2229-2242,共14页 Journal of Computer Research and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61672550) 国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFB0802503)~~
关键词 智能电表 隐私性 可链接环签名 格密码 后量子 smart meter privacy linkable ring signature lattice-based cryptography post-quantum
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