

Effects of sericite additive on the composting treatment of mushroom waste and plant growth
摘要 近年来,许多研究都指出堆肥中添加矿物性材料有助于促进堆肥化过程及加速有机物质分解。因此,在环境及材料一致的条件下,添加不同比例绢云母进行堆肥制作,分别为A(0%)、B(2%)、C(6%)及D(12%)共4个处理,探讨混入绢云母后对于菇类太空包废料堆肥化及作物生长的影响。结果显示,堆肥外观变化部分,添加绢云母的3个处理组相较于未添加绢云母的处理,质地较为细致;堆肥期间温度变化上,D处理堆肥相较于其它处理能维持较稳定高温而有益于堆肥化;堆肥期间pH值的变化,初期皆呈现急剧上升情况,至第4个月后则逐渐趋缓至稳定。在碳氮比方面,不同处理的堆肥在完全腐熟后有显著差异,以A处理最低(8.7±0.3)、C处理最高(11.2±0.3);发芽率部分,C及D处理组有较高的发芽率(99%及97%);至于施用堆肥后植物生长变化上,通过ANOVA变异数分析显示,不同处理间无论是地上或是地下部长度及干重,添加绢云母皆显著优于未添加绢云母处理。综合而言,在菇类太空包废料堆肥中适当添加绢云母有助于提高堆肥化,对于植株生长也有帮助。因此,可作为堆肥添加物参考选项之一。 In recent years,it has been widely reported that the incorporation of mineral additives can improve the composting process,promote compost maturity,and accelerate the organic matter degradation.In this study,0%(A),2%(B),6%(C)and 12%(D)of sericite were mixed with the compost under the same condition of the environment,materials and equipment to explore whether the sericite mixture will influence the shiitake bags waste compost and the plant growth or not.It showed that the appearance of the composts which added sericte were more delicate than the control.The temperature during compost of treatment D maintained steadier high temperature than other treatments which was helpful to composting.During the composting time,the changes of pH value went up rapidly in the first stage,and it became steady little by little till the fourth month.As to C/N,there was significant difference(F=11.241,P=0.003)after the completely composted,treatment A was the lowest(8.7±0.3)while C was the highest(11.2±0.3).However,as the germination rate,the treatment C with 6%content of sericite and the treatment D with 12%had higher germination,which were 99%and 97%respectively.Through Analysis of Variance(ANOVA),it showed that both the length and the dry weight of the plants growing above the ground and under the ground,the compost added with sericite was more distinctive than the control.The results indicated that adding sericite into the shiitake bags waste compost will not only help to enhance the composting,but also be helpful to the plant growth.Thus,it will become one of the options to the compost additive.
作者 郭家和 曾雅欣 徐宛君 林永鸿 陈朝圳 GUO Jia-he;ZENG Ya-xin;XU Wan-jun;LIN Yong-hong;CHEN Chao-zhen(Longyan College,Longyan Fujian 364012;Department of Forestry,National Pingtung University of Science and Technology,Pingtung Taiwan 91201;Deportment of Crop Environment,Kaohsiung District Agriculture Research and Extension Station,Kaohsiung Taiwan 91201)
出处 《中国土壤与肥料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期147-154,共8页 Soil and Fertilizer Sciences in China
基金 台湾向阳矿业股份有限公司经费支持
关键词 菇类太空包废料 绢云母 腐熟堆肥 堆肥化 mushroom waste sericite matured compost composting
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