毫米波技术是5G通讯技术的关键的技术之一,而其中的两大难题为功耗及电磁设计。基片集成波导(Substrate Integrated Waveguide,SIW)作为一种新的微波传输线结构,现已广泛地应用于各种微波、毫米波电路。其优点主要是体积小,损耗小,易于加工和集成。本文主要研究基于K波段的四腔SIW滤波器的优化设计,并在此基础上设计出腔体阶梯移位结构,基于此结构实现了多零点交叉耦合滤波器。该滤波器具有插损小、体积小、易集成等优点。
Millimeter wave technology is one of the key technologies of 5G communication technology,and two of them are power consumption and electromagnetic design.As a new microwave transmission line structure,Substrate Integrated Waveguide(SIW)has been widely used in various microwave and millimeter wave circuits.Its advantages are mainly small size,low loss,easy to process and integrate.In this paper,the optimization design of four-cavity SIW f ilter based on K-band is studied.Based on this,a cavity step-shift structure is designed,and a multi-zero cross-coupling f ilter is realized.The f ilter has the advantages of small insertion loss,small size,and easy integration.
Science and Technology Innovation Herald