
国外SAR卫星T/R模块电源单元设计分析与启示 被引量:1

Analysis and Inspiration of Power Supply Unit Design for SAR Satellites T/R Modules
摘要 合成孔径雷达(SAR)卫星的发射器/接收器(T/R)模块电源设计约束条件多、设计难度大,文章对国外具有代表性的地中海盆地观测小卫星星座(COSMO-SkyMed)、“哨兵-1”(Sentinel-1)卫星和阿根廷微波对地观测卫星(SAOCOM-1A)等SAR卫星中T/R模块电源的设计方案进行了介绍,对比了主要技术指标、电路拓扑、设计特点、动静态性能、体积质量等关键参数,分析提炼了T/R模块电源的电路拓扑筛选、滤波电容设计、交叉调整率等设计要点,结合我国T/R模块电源的研究现状,提出了我国SAR卫星T/R模块电源技术在功率变换拓扑效率提升研究、滤波器优化设计方法研究、T/R电源的可靠性研究等方面的发展建议。 The design of transmitter and receiver(T/R)module power supply unit of SAR satellites are with more constraint conditions and difficulties.This paper introduces the design of T/R module PSU of SAR satellites such as COSMO-SkyMed,Sentinel-1 and SAOCOM-1 Ain detail.The key specifications,power conversion topologies,design characteristics,static and dynamic features,volume and weight etc.are compared.Based on the review,the requirements and design key points,such as selection of circuit topology,design of filter capacitor,regulation of output voltage are summarized.It can be applied into the design of other SAR satellite.Finally,based on the current status of T/R module PSU in China,the suggestions of T/R module PSU of China are proposed including the efficiency improvement of power converters,research of filter design optimization,the reliability of T/R unit power supply.
作者 张晓峰 李海津 藏洁 田鹏 ZHANG Xiaofeng;LI Haijin;ZANG Jie;TIAN Peng(Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering,Beijing 100094,China)
出处 《航天器工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期130-140,共11页 Spacecraft Engineering
关键词 合成孔径雷达 电源单元 发射器/接收器 SAR powersupplyunit transmitterandreceiver(T/R)
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