
基于动态bloom filter的云存储安全去重方案 被引量:2

Secure deduplication scheme based on dynamic bloom filter in cloud storage
摘要 现有的所有权证明去重方案容易遭受诚实但好奇服务器的威胁影响,借助可信第三方解决该问题将导致开销过大。基于动态bloom filter提出一种改进的、无须可信第三方的所有权证明安全去重方案,采用收敛加密算法抵抗诚实但好奇的服务器,并通过服务器检查数据块密文和标签的一致性来防止数据污染攻击。此外,采用密钥链机制对收敛密钥进行管理,解决了现有方案中收敛密钥占用过多存储空间的问题。分析与比较表明,该方案具有较小的密钥存储开销和传输开销。 Existing proof of ownership schemes are vulnerable to the threat of honest-but-curious servers.With the help of a trusted third party to solve the problem can lead to high overhead.This paper proposed an improved proof of ownership scheme based on dynamic bloom filter,which did not require a trusted third party.The scheme used convergent encryption against honest-but-curious servers.To resist data poisoning attack,it checked whether the encrypted blocks correspond with the tokens at server side.Moreover,it used a key chaining mechanism to solve the problem that convergent keys require too much storage space in existing schemes.Analyses and comparisons show that the scheme has lower key storage overhead and transferring overhead.
作者 王平雁 柳毅 Wang Pingyan;Liu Yi(School of Computers,Guangdong University of Technology,Guangzhou 510006,China)
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第11期3419-3422,共4页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61572144)
关键词 云存储 数据去重 BLOOM FILTER 收敛加密 所有权证明 cloud storage data deduplication bloom filter convergent encryption(CE) proof of ownership(PoW)
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