
某医院皮肤科门诊军人常见疾病临床分析 被引量:2

Clinical Analysis of Military Outpatients with Common Skin Diseases
摘要 目的摸清军人常见皮肤病发病现状,为进一步保障军人皮肤健康提供数据支持。方法从2014-2018年战区总医院皮肤科军人就诊患者中抽取18292例,统计每种疾病的构成比例,以构成比由高到低筛选前15位常见皮肤疾病,年度就诊人数发展趋势。结果2014-2016年门诊人次缓慢上升,2017年门诊人次开始快速增加。就诊患者主要是45岁及以下青壮年军人,≤25岁占42.52%,≤35岁占73.45%,≤45岁占88.64%。常见的前15位皮肤病分别为皮炎、跖疣、痤疮、湿疹、足癣、脂溢性皮炎、急性荨麻疹、甲癣、神经性皮炎、银屑病、带状疱疹、慢性荨麻疹、斑秃、股癣、手癣。结论关注45岁及以下军人皮肤健康,重点把握皮炎湿疹、真菌性皮肤病和病毒性皮肤病的诊治,心因性皮肤病也应引起重视。 Objective To make a survey of common skin diseases in the military so as to provide data for further skin health service.Methods 18292 cases were selected from the military outpatients during the period from 2014 to 2018 in dermatology clinics;the disease spectrum was statistically studied,listing out the first 15 common skin diseases and analyzing the increase in yearly outpatient number.Results A slow increase in outpatient number during the period from2014 to 2016 was found while a fast increase started in 2017;the majority of the outpatients were young and middle at 45 years old or under,42.52%≤25,73.45%≤35 and 88.64%≤45;the first 15 common skin diseases were dermatitis,verruca plantaris,acne,eczema,tinea pedis,seborrheic dermatitis,acute urticaria,tineaunguium,neurodermatitis,psoriasis,herpes zoster,chronic urticaria,alopecia areata,tinea cruris and tinea manis.Conclusions Attention should be paid to the skin health of the military ≤45 years;the key point is the diagnosis and treatment of dermatitis eczema,fungal dermatosis and viral dermatosis,and psychogenic dermatosis also needs certain attention.
作者 刘太华 周舟 张忠奎 章铭 潘林信 Liu Taihua;Zhou Zhou;Zhang Zhongkui;Zhang Ming;Pan Linxin(Department of Dennatology,the General Hospital of Western Tlieater Command,Chengdu,Sichuan Province,610083,P.R.China)
出处 《西南军医》 2019年第6期508-510,共3页 Journal of Military Surgeon in Southwest China
关键词 军人 皮肤病 皮炎 跖疣 痤疮 湿疹 足癣 military personnel dermatosis dermatitis verruca plantaris acne eczema tinea pedis
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