

Malware genetic formalization analysis research
摘要 随着互联网的爆发式发展,恶意计算机程序也呈现快速增长趋势。针对恶意计算机程序加壳、加密、混淆等复用手段,传统的恶意计算机程序检测手段越来越费时费力。针对日益增长的恶意计算机程序变种的检测,因受到生物基因检测的启发,从恶意计算机程序的汇编执行代码指令出发,研究恶意计算机程序基因的形式化表达,提出了基于恶意计算机程序基因的通用萃取模型。通过采集的1 000例恶意计算机程序样本进行对比实验,实验结果表明本文提出的恶意计算机程序基因萃取模型优于传统的恶意计算机程序计算算法。 As the Internet exploded,varieties of malicious computer programs arise.Traditional detection methods of malware are more and more time consuming and laborious,in face of the application of encryption and obfuscation.Inspired by biological gene detection,this paper studies the formal expression of malware genes,and proposes a general extraction model based on malware genes.In this paper,1000 samples of malware are collected for comparison experiments.The experimental results show that the proposed malware gene extraction model is due to the traditional calculation algorithm of malware.
作者 丁建伟 陈周国 刘义铭 Ding Jianwei;Chen Zhouguo;Liu Yiming(Science and Technology on Communication Security Laboratory,30th Research Institute ofChina Electronics Technology Group Corporation,Chengdu 610041,China)
出处 《信息技术与网络安全》 2019年第11期35-40,共6页 Information Technology and Network Security
基金 国家重点研发计划(2017YFC080700)
关键词 恶意程序分析 程序基因 程序基因形式化建模 malware analysis malware gene malware gene formalization
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