The research chose the reports about the cities in Liaoning Province,Dalian,Shenyang,and Anshan as the objects of study.These reports came from the three newspapers China Daily,New York Times,and Globe and Mail.This research was based on Frame Work Theory,and used language analysis and case study as the research methods to identify the discourse and organization.The first result is that there is serious stereotyping about the image of Liaoning cities in American and Canadian news.And Chinese news did not cover entire comprehensive topics and was too late to emergency events,so they lost the chance to be an original source of news and the possibility to set the agenda,even lost the discourse power.The second result is that the differences between Chinese reports and American and Canadian reports implied culture differences,the similarities between Canadian and American reports refer to the culture intercommunity.Third,American and Canadian news used multi-framework to make the reports more reliable,but the lack of multi-dimensional reports declined the trustworthiness.