In 2012,I proposed an expansion of the accepted range of hull types utilized by the Egyptians during the Old and Middle Kingdoms,a range based initially on the models and surviving hulls published by Reisner.1 This series expansion ceased at Type V,as Type VI were“Solar”and VII“Divine”vessels,while Type VIII was known only from the New Kingdom.Type V,identifiable as the Manedjet(mand.t),the Day Boat,was included in this expansion due to the discovery and re-assembly of the Old Kingdom vessel of this type,found buried alongside the Great Pyramid,suggestive of its having been a functioning craft,and not mythological.For the hull types Reisner had not categorized,being known only from iconographic depictions,I allocated temporary typological labels–ETH,an abbreviation for“Expedient Type Hull,”with a category and/or a sub category number or suffix.For both the Reisner and the ETH forms,sub categories were developed,utilizing variations of such features as bow and stern finials or variations in hull shape,within the context of their category.