
苹果SLAF图谱构建及果锈基因QTL分析 被引量:5

Genetic Mapping and QTL Analysis of Fruit Russeting in Malus domestica Borkh.
摘要 为了定位苹果果锈的QTL,鉴定果锈基因的遗传位点,以解析苹果果锈基因的分子遗传基础。以宫崎短枝富士×坂田津轻分离群体及其亲本为材料,基于SLAF-seq技术开发分子标签,并构建高密度遗传图谱,结合3个年份的田间表型数据,采用mapqtl进行果锈基因的QTL分析。结果表明,获得了522 122 315 reads(110.32 Gb)的测序数据,测序平均Q30为95.07%,平均GC含量为40.11%;开发了20 440个SLAF标签,7 309 729个SNP;构建了17个连锁群,4 075个上图标记,总图距为2 235.23 cM,平均图距达0.55 cM,上图标记的完整度为99.92%。共检测到了9个果锈相关的QTL,分别分布在Chr3、Chr9、Chr11、Chr15染色体上,标记距离为0~4.9 cM,贡献率为18.0%~85.5%。其中,检测到控制果锈的Qru-9、Qru-15、Qru-3的贡献率较高,可能是控制苹果果锈的关键位点。构建了苹果SLAF遗传图谱,获得了9个与果锈相关的QTL,研究结果对于苹果果锈及其相关基因的进一步挖掘与利用具有重要意义。 In order to effectively discover the apple fruit russet gene,based on SLAF-seq technology,the genetic map construction and QTL analysis for fruit russet gene were conducted using a population derived from a cross between Miyazaki Spur and Sakata Tsugaru.The results showed that 522 122 315 reads(110.32 Gb)of the sequencing data from seedlings was obtained,in which the average Q30 sequencing was 95.07%,and the average GC content and its parents was 40.11%.Then,20 440 SLAF markers and 7 309 729 SNPs were developed.Based on these markers,seventeen linkage groups were constructed,of which 4 075 markers presented in the genetic map,and marker integrity was 99.92%.The total diagram spacing was 2 235.23 cM,and the average diagram spacing was 0.55 cM.A total of 9 QTLs related to fruit russet were detected,which were distributed on Chr3,Chr9,Chr11,and Chr15 chromosomes,with a marker distance of 0-4.9 cM and a contribution rate of 18.0%-85.5%.Among them,Qru-9,Qru-15 and Qru-3,located on Chromosome 9,3,and 15,respectively,might be novel QTLs for fruit russeting of apple.A genetic map based on SLAF-seq method was constructed in apple progeny Miyazaki Spur crossing Sakata Tsugaru and nine QTLs related to apple russeting were obtained.These results provided the important information for further exploration of russeting QTL in apple.
作者 张朝红 陈东玫 杨凤秋 赵同生 李扬 赵国栋 赵永波 ZHANG Chaohong;CHEN Dongmei;YANG Fengqiu;ZHAO Tongsheng;LI Yang;ZHAO Guodong;ZHAO Yongbo(Changli Institute for Pomology,Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Changli066600,China)
出处 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期37-44,共8页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
基金 河北省省级预算项目(F18R060018 F18R19 C19R0601) 河北省科学技术研究与发展计划(16226312D) 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金(CARS-27)
关键词 苹果 果锈 SLAF 遗传图谱 QTL分析 Malus domestica Borkh. Russeting Specific-locus amplified fragment sequencing Genetic map Quantitative trait loci analysis
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