
不同灌溉方式对双季稻植株生理特性和干物质积累及产量的影响 被引量:13

Effects of Irrigation Methods on Physiological Characteristics, Dry Matter Accumulation and Yield of Rice in Double Cropping Rice Field
摘要 灌溉方式是影响水稻植株生长和产量重要的农艺措施,为探明双季稻区不同灌溉方式对水稻植株理化和生特学特性及产量的影响,系统比较研究了间歇灌溉(Ⅱ)、湿润灌溉(WI)和节水灌溉(WSI)3种灌溉方式条件下早稻和晚稻植株生理生化特性、干物质积累及产量的变化。结果表明,早稻和晚稻生育期,各灌溉方式处理水稻植株的分蘖数量大小顺序均表现为Ⅱ>WI>WSI;植株叶面积指数大小顺序均为WI>Ⅱ>WSI;Ⅱ和WI条件下,植株叶片超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性提高;叶片净光合速率(Pn)大小顺序均为WI>Ⅱ>WSI。早稻和晚稻各处理植株的根系、茎、穗干质量大小顺序均为Ⅱ>WI>WSI,叶干质量均为WI>Ⅱ>WSI;各处理间水稻植株的穗干质量均无显著性差异。早稻和晚稻植株Ⅱ处理的有效穗数均最高,均显著高于WI和WSI处理。穗粒数、结实率和千粒质量在各处理间均无显著差异。早稻和晚稻产量均以Ⅱ处理产量为最高,2个年份早稻产量分别比WI和WSI处理增加107.9,461.7 kg/hm 2和98.8,422.2 kg/hm 2,晚稻分别比WI和WSI处理增加250.1,683.6 kg/hm 2和220.3,661.8 kg/hm 2,其大小顺序均表现Ⅱ>WI>WSI。在稻田不同水分管理中,可采取间歇灌溉的方式有利于提高水稻植株叶片保护性酶活性、增加植株干物质积累,改善产量构成因素,从而获得较高的水稻产量。 Irrigation is an important management measure that affects the growth and development,grain yield of rice.In order to explore the effects of different irrigation methods on the physicochemical and biological characteristics,and grain yield of rice in double-cropping rice system,the changes physiological and biochemical characteristics,dry matter accumulation and distribution,grain yield of early rice and late rice were analyzed under 3 treatments of intermittent irrigation method(Ⅱ),wet irrigation method(WI)and water saving irrigation method(WSI).The results showed that,at main growth stages of early rice and late rice,the tillering number of rice in different irrigation methods wasⅡ>WI>WSI and the leaf area index was WI>Ⅱ>WSI.The activities of SOD,POD and CAT of rice leaves increased in treatmentsⅡand WI compared with that in treatment WSI.The Pn of rice leaves in different irrigation methods decreased following the order of WI>Ⅱ>WSI at main growth stages.The dry weights of root,stem and panicle wereⅡ>WI>WSI,but the dry weight of rice leaves was WI>Ⅱ>WSI.There was no significant difference in panicle dry weight among different treatments.The results indicated that the number of effective tillers was higher inⅡtreatment than in WI and WSI,but there were no significant differences in spikelet number per panicle,seed setting rate and 1 000 grains weight of rice among different treatments.The grain yield of rice was higher inⅡtreatment than in WI and WSI.Compared with WI and WSI treatments,the grain yield of early rice inⅡtreatment increased by 107.9,461.7 kg/ha in 2016,and 98.8,422.2 kg/ha in 2017,respectively,while the grain yield of late rice inⅡincreased by 250.1,683.6 kg/ha in 2016,and 220.3,661.8 kg/ha in 2017,respectively.The intermittent irrigation method(Ⅱ)enhanced the protective enzyme activities and photosynthetic characteristics of rice leaves,increased the dry matter accumulation of rice plant and improved the yield components,thus increased the grain yield of rice.
作者 徐一兰 刘唐兴 付爱斌 XU Yilan;LIU Tangxing;FU Aibin(Hunan Biological and Electromechanical Polytechnic,Changsha410127,China)
出处 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期106-115,共10页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
基金 湖南省自然科学基金项目(2017JJ3133 2017JJ1018) 湖南省农业农村厅科技计划项目(19NYT02)
关键词 水稻 灌溉方式 生理特性 干物质 产量 Rice Irrigation methods Physiological characteristics Dry matter Yield
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