
一种无烟气烟草制品秀爽的吸入毒理学评价 被引量:1

Inhalation toxicology evaluation of smokeless tobacco product Xiushuang
摘要 【目的】对一种无烟气烟草制品秀爽进行吸入毒理学评价。【方法】120只SD大鼠根据体重分性别随机分4组:对照组(n=30)、低剂量组(n=30)、中剂量组(n=30)、高剂量组(n=30)。对照组为空气暴露组,实验组吸入暴露剂量分别相当于人吸入暴露量的10倍、30倍、100倍。每天暴露1次,连续暴露14 d,恢复4 W。暴露期及恢复期每天观察各组大鼠一般状况、精神状态,腺体分泌,皮肤和粘膜颜色,呼吸状态,粪便性状,生殖器等情况及其它非常态症状。【结果】暴露期及恢复期,各组大鼠一般状况良好、自主活动正常、皮肤被毛清洁,亦未见其它毒性反应;各组大鼠体重正常增长,对照组和暴露组雌、雄鼠体重增长趋势未见显著性差异;眼科检查与大体解剖均无异常。【结论】秀爽对大鼠生长发育、生长代谢、重要脏器未造成影响。 [Objective]To study inhalation toxicology of a smokeless tobacco product Xiushuang.[Methods]120 SD rats were randomly divided into 4 groups:control group(n=30),lowdose group(n=30),medium dose group(n=30)and high dose group(n=30).The control group was exposed to air,and the exposure dose in the treated groups was 10 times,30 times and 100 times of humaninhalation.They were exposed oncea day for 14 consecutive days,then recovered for 4 weeks.General condition,mental state,gland secretion,skin and mucosa color,respiratory state,fecal properties,genitals and other abnormal symptoms were observed every day during exposure and recovery period.[Results]During the exposure and recovery period,the rats in each group were generally in good condition,with normal autonomous movement,clean skin and hair,and no other toxic reactions were observed.[Conclusion]Xiushuang did not affect growth and development of rats,neither growth and metabolism of rats,and important organs of histopathology.
作者 黄玉川 梁坤 赵巍 刘锴 郑怡 包毅 邓永 HUANG Yuchuan;LIANG Kun;ZHAO Wei;LIU Kai;ZHENG Yi;BAO Yi;DENG Yong(China Tobacco Sichuan Industry Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu 610066,China;National Center for Safety Evaluation of Drugs(Chengdu),Chengdu 610041,China)
出处 《中国烟草学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期105-116,共12页 Acta Tabacaria Sinica
关键词 秀爽 口鼻吸入 安全性 毒理学 Xiushuang inhalation safety toxicology
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