Academic circles of Chinese medicine have been breaking into three main sects,traditional Chinese medicine;westernized Chinese medicine and systematic Chinese medicine under collision among polycultures,and they are taking holism,reductionism and system theory as their model of cognition to command medical care,teaching and research. Two views of science exist in the three sects,narrow one and broad one. The sects of traditional Chinese medicine and westernized Chinese medicine take narrow view of science while the sect of systematic Chinese medicine accepts the broad,and with several views of science they have different understanding for knowledge property of Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Chinese medicine is humanity and not science,so it need not be made scientific and modernized. Westernized Chinese medicine thinks Chinese medicine is experience and not science,it need be made scientific and modernized,the method of this is westernizing of Chinese medicine. Systematic Chinese medicine advocates that Chinese medicine is traditional medicine,it need not be made scientific but do in modernization,the way is to fuse Chinese medicine and system science. Accompany the change of times,three sects have been going to opposite,among them,systematic Chinese medicine has the best integrated functions in academic field. In theory,it sticks traditional Chinese medicine together through meta-synthesis approach from qualitative analysis to quantitative analysis;with proposition mapping of unified structure and information it can fuse westernized Chinese medicine. In strategy for modernization of Chinese medicine,systematic Chinese medicine may set up the system frame that can unify philosophy,science,technology,engineering and industry. For constructing industrial chain,it will transform the situation of fragment,distorting and cracking at present,to thread together all the segments easily and smoothly.
MA Xiaotong(Institute of Basic Theory of Chinese Medicine,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences.Beijing,100700)
Journal of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
traditional Chinese medicine
westernized Chinese medicine
systematic Chinese medicine
theory integration
strategy integration
industry integration