Sexual differences in morphology can evolve by sexual selection and/or natural selection.In some species,only males have morphological structures that are used as weapons.Since some weapons may also be used for defensive purposes,males and females may behave differently towards predators.In some species of harvestmen(Arachnida and Opiliones),males have sharp apophyses("spines")on their 4th pair of legs whereas females lack them.Those apophyses are used in malemale fights and in antipredatory behaviors.The harvestmen antipredatory repertory also encompasses passive defenses such as thanatosis(death feigning),retaliation(attack on predators),and chemical defense.Due to the sexual differences on weaponry,we hypothesized that males and females of Mischonyx cuspidatus(Gonyleptidae)rely on different defensive strategies.We experimentally induced males and females to perform 3 defensive behaviors:thanatosis,pinching with legs,and chemical release.We predicted that females would engage more in passive and chemical defenses than males,whereas males would rely more on retaliation than females.As expected,females performed thanatosis more often than males.Likewise,males performed retaliation more often than females.We did not find differences in the rate of chemical defense use between the sexes.This study provides evidence that due to sexual dimorphism,alternative antipredatory behaviors may have been selected in the different sexes in M.cuspidatus.