
基于创客教育的大学物理生态教学模式的创建研究 被引量:1

Research on the Establishment of University Physical Ecology Teaching Based on Maker Education
摘要 面对信息技术对教学改革冲击,加强创客教育与大学物理课程的融合是时代发展的必然。为此,基于创客教育的大学物理课程生态教学模式,目的在于转变教师和学生的关系和观念,通过在线学习开展翻转课堂教学,培养学生自主学习。基于创客教育的大学物理生态教学模式的构建,主要包括凭借在线教学平台,开展网络课堂教学;利用翻转课堂,调整教师教学和学生学习的关系;利用创新平台,开展创客教育。 Facing the impact of information technology on teaching reform,it is inevitable to strengthen the integration of maker education and college physics curriculum.Therefore,the ecological teaching mode of college physics course based on maker education aims to change the relationship and concept between teachers and students,and develop flipped classroom teaching through online learning to cultivate students'independent learning.The construction of university physical ecology teaching based on maker education mainly includes online classroom teaching based on online teaching platform;Using flipped classroom to adjust the relationship between teachers'teaching and students'learning;Make use of innovation platform to carry out maker education.
作者 张平 陈佰树 张欣艳 左春英 朱文霞 ZHANG Ping;CHEN Baishu;ZHANG Xinyan;ZUO Chunying;ZHU Wenxia(College of Science,Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University,Daqing Heilongjiang,163319,China)
出处 《创新创业理论研究与实践》 2019年第16期111-112,共2页 The Theory and Practice of Innovation and Enterpreneurship
基金 黑龙江省高等教育教学改革项目“基于创客教育的大学物理生态教学模式的构建与实践”(项目编号:SJGY20180362),“‘双创’时代背景下高校创新创业教育生态体系的构建”(项目编号:SJGY20170436),“基于‘云班课+微课程’的新型混合式教学模式研究与实践”(项目编号:SJGY20170444) 教育部高等学校教学指导委员会2017年高等学校教学研究项目“基于‘云班课’的大学物理新型混合式教学模式的研究与实践”(项目编号:DWJZW201705db)
关键词 创客教育 大学物理 生态教学 Maker education College physics Ecological teaching
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