
公众健康和幸福感考量的城市蓝色空间——城市景观研究新领域 被引量:23

Health and Well-being Aspects of Urban Blue Space: The New Urban Landscape Research Field
摘要 水文系统是区域景观系统的主要组成部分—包括河流、湖泊、海洋以及人工运河。全球大多数城市都临水而建。水对人类健康和幸福感构成了诸多威胁,但也带来了许多(常常只是潜在的)益处。随着城市的扩张和人口的日益密集,优秀的城市规划设计可以创造或改善滨水空间利用,这可能成为改善人类健康和幸福感的宝贵途径。随着工业和港口设施的搬迁,置换出了滨水蓝色空间,对蓝色空间水资源的优化管理能有效减少城市水污染。洪水风险可能会因洪泛区的城市扩张而加剧,因此在汇水区整体层面统一协调水资源管理至关重要。基于已被证实蓝色和绿色空间对健康和幸福感的诸多益处,规划者和设计师应该充分利用蓝绿空间来创造更好的空间。虽然已有许多项目将滨水空间改造成供人使用的娱乐休闲空间,但对它们在健康和幸福感方面的成功因素进行系统评价的很少。“蓝色健康研究项目”(The BlueHealth Research Project)的重点是通过更完善的实例研究,探究如何规划和设计城市蓝色空间来改善大众健康和幸福感。将蓝色空间作为一个新兴的城市景观研究领域进行介绍,并系统梳理了全球蓝色再生项目的一些初步发现,同时总结这些项目成功的关键。 A major element of a regional landscape system is that of the hydrological system—rivers,lakes,the sea as well as artificial canals.The majority of cities globally are located on waterbodies.Water poses many risks for human health and well-being but also many—often as yet unrealised—benefits.As cities expand and as they become more densely populated the potential of creating or improving access to water through good city planning could be a valuable planning tool for increasing human health and well-being.Blue spaces are often released as industries and port facilities move away and better water management reduced urban water pollution.Flood risks may be exacerbated by urban expansion on flood plains so that good water management at the level of the catchment is important.As evidence on the benefits of green and blue spaces for health and well-being increases this should be used by planners and designers to create better spaces.While many projects exist which have converted waterfront spaces for recreational use there has been little systematic reviewing of the success factors in such projects in relation to health and well-being.The BlueHealth Research Project focuses on ways to improve health and well-being through,among other things,better evidence on how to plan and design.This paper introduces blue space as a new urban landscape research field and presents some initial findings of a wide-ranging review of blue regeneration projects from around the world.A number of key aspects which make them successful have been identified and these are summarised here.
作者 陈奕言(译) 陈筝(校) Simon Bell;CHEN Yiyan;CHEN Zheng(landscape architecture in the Estonian University of Life Sciences;Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture,University of Edinburgh;College of Architecture and Urban Planning,Tongji University)
出处 《风景园林》 2019年第9期119-131,共13页 Landscape Architecture
基金 欧盟地平线2020研究和创新计划(编号666773)~~
关键词 风景园林 公众健康和幸福感 滨水再生 蓝色空间 landscape architecture health and well-being waterfront regeneration blue space
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