Some risk to invest natural-gas industry increases successively in terms of downstream city distribution,midstream pipeline transportation,and upstream exploration and development.Moreover,the required and obtained re turn on this investment also increases in turn.However,a domestic fact is that this return is the highest in the mid stream,moderate in the downstream(in particular areas,the return on investment of city distribution is higher than that of pipeline transportation),and the lowest in the upstream(including the imported gas).So,many historical and real reasons for an unmatched relationship between obtained return on investment and undertaken investment risk in different links of domestic natural-gas industry chain were analyzed.Results show that,it's the product of domestic current industry structure and adaptive to current production(import)-transportation integrated structure in domestic gas industry.With the reform of the operation mechanism of pipeline network,domestic gas industry will experience major structural adjustment.Therefore,it's necessary to grasp this opportunity to correspondingly adjust industrial chain price,or the healthy and sustainable development of gas industry and market will be impacted.In this regard,several suggestions to harmonize the price are proposed,including(1)it's essential to ratify the price of midstream pipeline transportation according to the return on equity capital of 7%-8%and that of city gas distribution according to the return on equity capital not higher than 7%;(2)the selling price at some gas source or gate stations shall be determined on the basis of one negotiation between upstream suppliers and downstream buyers.As for certain up stream suppliers with larger market share,however,appropriate control shall be applied,so that the return on equity capital of upstream exploration and development investment after the compensation for import deficit is not higher than 200%that of pipeline transportation.
Zhang Yong;He Chunlei(CNPC Finance Department,Beijing 100007,China;Research Institute of Natural Gas Economy,PetroChina Southwest Oil&Gas field Company,Chengdu,Sichuan 610051,China)
Natural Gas Technology and Economy
Natural-gas industry
Pipeline network reform
Investment risk
Return on investment
Industrial chain price