目的了解厦门市未进入TannerⅡ期低年级小学生男女特质得分和性别角色的分布特征,为促进儿童身心健康发展提供参考。方法采用整群随机抽样方法选取厦门市2所小学二至四年级学生,并基于厦门市儿童血压队列,筛选未进入TannerⅡ期的学生共823名作为研究对象,通过儿童性别角色量表(Children’s Sex Role Inventory, CSRI)获得儿童男女特质得分、性别角色类型以及性别角色异性化情况。采用非参数检验和χ~2检验比较不同年龄、性别学生特质得分,性别角色类型和性别角色异性化的差异。结果低年级小学生男性特质平均得分为(2.80±0.52)分,女性为(2.95±0.55)分;性别角色男性化、女性化、双性化、未分化的比例分别为12.8%,11.9%,39.1%,36.2%,男生未分化的比例(41.8%)高于女生(31.5%),双性化比例(34.6%)低于女生(43.0%),差异均有统计学意义(χ~2值分别为9.22,6.02,P值均<0.05)。性别角色异性化报告率为7.0%,不同性别、年龄报告差异均无统计学意义(P值均>0.05)。结论厦门地区低年级小学生性别角色以双性化和未分化为主,男、女生的性别角色分布不同,男生以未分化为主,女生以双性化为主;性别角色异性化者报告率较高,需要学校和家长的关注和正确引导。
Objective To understand the distribution of masculine and feminine traits and gender roles in primary school students who did not enter the Tanner Ⅱ stage in Xiamen and to provide a reference for promoting the development of mental and physical health of children. Methods The present study was based on the blood pressure cohort of children in Xiamen. All 823 participants were from grade two, three, four of primary school. Participants were asked to obtain children’s masculine and feminine traits, gender role types(masculine, feminine, androgynous, undifferentiated) and heterogeneity through the Children’s Sex Role Inventory. In this study, non-parametric tests and chi-square tests were used to compare the differences of masculine and feminine traits, gender role types and heterogeneity rates between different groups. Results The masculine traits of this study scored(2.80±0.52), and the feminine traits scored(2.95±0.55). The proportion of masculine, feminine, androgynous and undifferentiated was 12.8%, 11.9%, 39.1% and 36.2%, respectively. The proportion of undifferentiated among boys(41.8%) was higher than girls(31.5%), while the proportion of androgynous(34.6%) was lower than girls(43.0%), the differences were of statistical sigificance(χ~2=9.22, 6.02, P<0.05). The rate of gender role heterogeneity was 7.0%, and there was no significant difference between different gender and age groups(P>0.05). Conclusion The gender roles of primary school students in Xiamen are mainly androgynous and undifferentiated, and the distribution of gender role is different in boys and girls. More specifically, the gender roles of boys were mainly undifferentiated, and girls were mainly androgynous. In general, the proportion of gender role heterosexuals is a little higher, which should be paid more attention and appropriate guidance by schools and parents.
Gao Di;LI Yanhui;YANG Zhaogeng;WANG Xijie;MA Jun;ZOU Zhiyong(School of Public Health and Institute of Child and Adolescent Health,Peking University,Beijing,100191,China)
Chinese Journal of School Health