从职业生涯规划的角度来看,离开一个已建立超过百年的、规模庞大且历史悠久的机构,单凭直觉转职至一个“文化沙漠”中的新设施,有点不可思议。可是,经过三年的光景及六百多场演出,贾斯帕?霍普(Jaspar Hope)对于离开伦敦皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅(Royal Albert Hall),走进新建成的两千座的迪拜歌剧院担任其首位行政执行官的这个决定,完全不后悔。其实,皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅多年来一直是古典音乐与商业项目兼容并蓄,将这个备受英国人爱戴的运营方式套用到迪拜歌剧院上,也是再好不过。迪拜除了本地人以外,还有不少来自世界各国旅居当地的人群,也可算是一个国际舞台。
It was perhaps not the most intuitive career move,forsaking a long-established institution for a start-up in the cultural desert,but after three years and some 600 performances,Jasper Hope sill has no misgivings in leaving London’s Royal Albert Hall to become the inaugural CEO of the 2,000-seat Dubai Opera House.If anything,the mix of classical and populist offerings that made the RAH so beloved in British culture was precisely the right card to play in Dubai,where the territory’s particular mix of local residents and cosmopolitan work force is getting its first taste of the international stage.