
贵州省两家机构出境务工人员疟疾防控现状调查 被引量:6

Survey on malaria prevention and control among abroad labor workers dispatched by two companies in Guizhou Province
摘要 为了解贵州省单位组织出境务工人员疟疾防控情况,提出输入性疟疾防控措施及建议。2017年对贵州省两家机构曾经在境外工作过或有可能派往境外的职工以及公司管理人员进行疟疾知识、态度、行为(KAP)问卷调查。结果显示,在调查的242人中,曾被外派出境的有182人,占75.2%,其中40人在境外患过疟疾,占22.0%。在出境务工人员中,初中及以下文化程度者疟疾患病率最高,为44.4%,不同文化程度之间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);工作场所以室外为主者患病率最高,为34.5%,不同工作场所之间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。出境务工人员疟疾防治相关知识知晓情况与疟疾患病差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);出境务工人员疟疾防治相关态度:认同服抗疟药可预防疟疾者患病率为15.7%,不认同者患病率为42.9%(P<0.05);出境务工人员疟疾防治相关行为:使用蚊帐者患病率为1.4%,不使用者患病率为35.8%(P<0.05);使用驱蚊药者患病率为12.1%,不使用者患病率为27.3%(P<0.05);使用预防性用药者患病率为13.0%,不使用者患病率为59.0%(P<0.05)。多因素logistic回归显示,疟疾发病的危险因素为未使用蚊账(OR=69.075,CI=7.187~663.904)、未预防服药(OR=17.602,CI=4.754~65.173),认同抗疟药可预防疟疾是保护因素(OR=0.119,CI=0.034~0.423)。出境务工人员预防疟疾相关行为形成率较低,未使用蚊帐和未服用预防药物,为出境务工人员疟疾发病的危险因素。 To understand the situation of malaria prevention and control implemented among abroad labor workers as reference for the better control and management of imported malaria,a questionnaire survey was carried out in 2017 on those who returned from abroad or will be dispatched abroad and the administrators in these two companies in Guizhou Province for the knowledge,attitude and behavior(KAP)toward malaria infection and control.Among 242 people surveyed,182(75.2%)had experience working abroad,of which 40(22.0%)had suffered from malaria.Among these migrant workers,the infection incidence of malaria was highest in those with education of middle school or lower(44.4%),with statistical significance among people with different educational levels(P<0.05).People who worked outdoor had higher malaria incidence(34.5%)than those working indoor with statistical significance(P<0.05).However,there was no statistical significance in the malaria incidence between the people with acquired malaria control knowledge and without(P>0.05).People who agreed that antimalarial drugs could prevent malaria had significantly lower malaria incidence(15.7%)than those who did not agree(42.9%)(P<0.05).Regarding the protection behavior,people who used mosquito nets had much lower malaria incidence(1.4%)than those who did not(35.8%)with statistical significance between them(P<0.05).The similar result was seen in the usage of mosquito repellents,people who used had significantly lower malaria incidence(12.1%)than those who did not(27.3%)(P<0.05).People who took prophylactic medication had significantly lower malaria incidence(13.0%)than those who did not(59.0%)(P<0.05).Multivariate logistic regression analysis demonstrated that the risk factors for malaria infection include the lack of use of mosquito nets(OR=69.075,CI=7.187-663.904),lack of taking preventive medicine(OR=17.602,CI=4.754-65.173).The attitude towards agreement to use anti-malarial drugs was beneficial for preventing malaria(OR=0.119,CI=0.034-0.423).Lack of mosquito net usage and without taking preventive medicine are the big risk factors for malaria infection in endemic areas when working abroad.
作者 卢丽丹 安冬 李杨 蔡珊 戴佳芮 LU Li-dan;AN Dong;LI Yang;CAI Shan;DAI Jia-rui(Guizhou Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Guiyang 550004,China)
出处 《中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期612-615,共4页 Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases
关键词 疟疾 贵州省 出镜务工人员 防控现状 Malaria Guizhou Province Abroad larbor workers Status of prevention and control
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