
镜像呈现方式对青年人和老年人汉语阅读过程的影响:眼动研究 被引量:1

Mirror Image Presentation Affects Chinese Reading for Younger and Older Adults:An Eye Movement Study
摘要 拼音文字文本阅读研究发现,同青年人相比,老年人在阅读过程中有更多的跳读发生、向前眼跳幅度更长、回视次数更多。基于这些研究结果,研究者提出了老年人阅读的“风险阅读”策略。为探究在中文阅读过程中老年人的加工特点以及与拼音文字阅读的策略异同,实验采用镜像和正常两种方式呈现文本进行了考察。结果发现,在中文阅读过程中,相较于青年人,老年人的跳读率更低,向前眼跳幅度更小,采用的是一种更为谨慎的阅读策略。在镜像呈现的条件下,老年人与青年人之间的跳读率没有显著差异,在正常呈现的条件下,老年人的跳读率显著低于青年,表明在汉语阅读中老年人采取更加谨慎的阅读策略与其副中央凹加工能力下降,以及汉语与拼音文字两种不同书写系统的基本属性有关。 The present experiment examined the adult age differences in reading strategy during Chinese reading and whether the parafo-veal processing ability of young and older readers affect the reading strategy.Data were analyzed by LMEMs using R.The results showed that compared with younger readers,the older adults read more slowly,made more and longer fixations,more regressions,shorter average progressive saccade length.Importantly,on the skipping,there was no significant aging difference in mirror image condition while older readers had less skipping in the normal condition.In conclusion,the present research provides insights into adult age differences in eye movement control during reading by revealing that older Chinese readers employ a more careful strategy in which they move their eyes more cautiously along the lines of text to compensate for the greater difficulty they experience.This strategy also reflects age-related changes in reading strategy may be language specific rather than universal.
作者 王敬欣 赵赛男 张阔 Wang Jingxin;Zhao Sainan;Zhang Kuo(Academy of Psychology and Behavior,Tianjin Normal University,Tianjin 300074;Department of Social Psychology,Nankai University,Tianjin 300073)
出处 《心理学探新》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期421-426,共6页 Psychological Exploration
关键词 汉语阅读 老化 拼音文字 副中央凹加工 Chinese reading aging alphabetic language parafoveal processing
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