
母语影响下的二语语义趋向知识隐性、显性学习研究 被引量:6

A study of implicit and explicit learning of L2 semantic preference under L1 influence
摘要 本研究采用语料库与实验相结合的范式,设计语义趋向知识学习任务和能够过滤母语影响的隐性、显性知识测量方法,探讨母语影响下的二语语义趋向知识隐性、显性学习特征。研究数据显示,在朗读口译任务中,语义趋向知识隐性学习效果显著;在规则搜寻任务中,隐性和显性学习效果均显著。分析表明,语义趋向知识隐性、显性学习效果与注意力水平密切相关。注意力水平较低的任务主要促进受试基于搭配实例抽绎目标语义趋向规则;注意力水平较高的任务促使受试克服母语影响,建立并验证目标语义趋向假设,同时激活母语语义趋向知识,引发隐性联系反应,产生搭配记忆错觉。上述发现对深入开展隐性、显性学习研究具有理论启示,对二语词语教学和测试具有实用价值。 This study explores implicit and explicit learning of L2 semantic preference(L2 SP) within a corpus-based experimental research paradigm. It develops two learning tasks and an L1 influence-filtering measurement of implicit and explicit L2 SP knowledge. The data shows that the reading-interpretation task primarily facilitates implicit learning, while the rule-searching task facilitates both implicit and explicit learning of L2 SP. Further analysis suggests that the implicit and explicit gains of L2 SP are closely associated with attention levels in learning. Low-level attention primarily facilitates the extraction of L2 SP based on the exemplars encountered. In contrast, high-level attention helps overcome L1 influence, form and test the hypotheses of the target SP, which triggers implicit associative responses to L1 SP, yielding memory illusion of target collocations. Finally, the study briefly discusses both theoretical and pedagogical implications, particularly that for L2 vocabulary teaching and testing.
作者 陆军 LU Jun
出处 《外语界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期80-88,共9页 Foreign Language World
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“语料库驱动的二语隐性、显性知识调查与实验研究”(编号15BYY067)的部分成果
关键词 二语语义趋向知识 隐性和显性学习 注意力水平 母语影响 L2 semantic preference knowledge implicit and explicit learning attention level L1 influence
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