自马克思 韦伯的《以学术为业》的演讲中所诠释的“祛魅”之后,学界就陷入了“祛魅”(德语表示Enzauberung,英文表示disen-chantment)与“复魅(英文表示en-chantment)”周而复始的循环怪圈之中。在文学创作中“魅”代表着神秘主义与对自然与生俱来的敬畏与崇拜。王文兴对神秘主义的浓厚兴趣与他个人的宗教观都促使王文兴在创作中有意无意地加入“魅”的元素。而中国古典文学中“魅”元素的呈现方式,则使王文兴的作品“魅”力纷呈。本文试图从“魅”的功能及寓意和“魅”的呈现与文本结构之纠葛两个角度解码王文兴作品中“魅”的呈现对中国古典文学元素的引用与创新。
Since Marx Weber’s lecture on“disenchantment”,the academic circles have fallen into the cycle of“disenchantment”(German for Enzauberung,English for disen-chantment)and“re-enchantment”(English for en-chantment).In literary creation,enchantment represents mysticism and inherent awe and worship of nature.Wang Wenxing's strong interest in mysticism and his personal religious view both prompted him to add the element of enchantment intentionally or unintentionally in his creation.The presentation of elements of“enchantment”In Chinese classical literature enriched his works.This paper attempts to decode the citation and innovation ofthe elements of Chinese classical literaturein Wang Wenxing’s worksfrom two angles:the function and implication of enchantment and the entanglement between the presentation of enchantment and the structure of text.
Fujian-Taiwan Cultural Research