
世界历史中的欧亚空间——源起、建构与衰朽 被引量:3

Eurasian Space in World History——Origins, Construction and Decay
摘要 空间是记录历史的重要工具,任何重要政治行为体的权力与影响力变迁,最终都会在空间的维度上反映出来。因此,从空间的维度出发开展区域宏观议题研究,可以为研究者提供一个新颖、有效的分析视角。作为全球最重要的区域空间之一,欧亚空间从诞生伊始就与俄罗斯紧紧联系在了一起。作为俄罗斯权力的区域映射,欧亚空间塑造了俄罗斯,也被俄罗斯所塑造。地处大陆腹地的欧亚空间是全球所有地理空间中距离海洋贸易通道最远的地方,俄罗斯将自己的语言、文化与区域特点结合在一起,在内陆深处创造了大陆秩序的试验场。经过来自东方的蒙古帝国远征的洗礼,俄罗斯凭借来自欧洲的工业力量,逐步成长为欧洲边缘的重要帝国,在几百年的扩张过程中,将原本游离于世界历史之外的西伯利亚地区和高加索、中亚地区纳入了共同的区域空间中,从而构成了欧亚空间的核心版图。借助反法西斯战争的胜利,作为当时大陆秩序发展顶点的苏联模式获得了巨大的威望,使欧亚空间的非核心区域得到了前所未有的扩张。然而,在与海洋秩序的全面竞争中,其内在缺陷充分暴露,最终导致欧亚空间再次进入危机与重构的新阶段。欧亚空间的发展历史既反映了区域空间演变的一般规律,又在很多重要节点体现出明显的特殊性。欧亚空间的演变进程与中国的成长过程相互交织,对中俄两国的发展都产生了深远的影响。 Space is an important tool for recording history.The change of power and influences of any important political actor will eventually be reflected in space.Therefore,the study of regional macro-issues from the dimension of space could provide a novel and effective analytical perspective for researchers.As one of the most important regional spaces in the world,the Eurasian space has been closely linked to Russia since its inception.As a regional projection of Russian power,the Eurasian space has shaped Russia,and vice versa.The Eurasian space,located in the continental hinterland,is the furthest place from the maritime trade route in the world.Here Russia combines its own language,culture and regional characteristics to create a testing ground for continental order.After the baptism of the Mongolian Empire expedition from the East,Russia,with its industrial power from Europe,gradually grew into an important empire on the edge of Europe.In the course of several hundred-year expansions,it incorporated the Siberian region,the Caucasus and Central Asia,which has been outside the world history,into a common regional space.Thus the core layout of the Eurasian space has been formed.Taking advantage of the victory of the Anti?Fascist War,as the apex of the then continental order,the Soviet model gained great prestige and expanded the non-core region of the Eurasian space as never before.However,in the all-round competition with the ocean order,its inherent defects are fully exposed,which eventually leads to a new stage of crises and reconstruction of the Eurasian space.The development history of Eurasian space not only reflects the general law of regional space evolution,but also shows obvious particularities in many important nodes.The evolution of Eurasia space and China's growth are intertwined,which has a profound impact on the development of both China and Russia.
作者 封帅 Feng Shuai
出处 《俄罗斯研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期28-72,共45页 Russian Studies
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地华东师范大学俄罗斯研究中心基地重大项目“欧亚合作与中俄关系的战略定位”(项目批准号:16JJDGJW003)的阶段性成果
关键词 欧亚空间 俄罗斯帝国 苏联模式 欧亚经济联盟 Eurasian Space Russian Empire the Soviet Model the Eurasian Economic Union
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