

Bring You Closer into Magnificent World of Chinese Literature
摘要 2010年5月初,总部推出《孔子学院》多语种系列期刊,其中包括中俄文版《孔子学院》,这一消息引起圣彼得堡孔子学院的高度关注。总部希望包括我们在内的几家孔子学院对该杂志的发展和总体运营计划发表看法并介绍自身优势。首先,圣彼得堡是俄罗斯最大的城市之一,作为世界文化的瑰宝,一直以来吸引着包括中国人在内的各国游客;其次,圣彼得堡大学在全世界排名领先,其东方系是俄罗斯历史最悠久、最优秀的研究东方国家的机构之一。因此,圣彼得堡孔子学院在参与竞标的多个孔子学院中脱颖而出。当时的孔子学院院长阿列克谢?罗季诺夫(Alexey Rodionov)征求我的意见,有没有意愿做这个项目,成为俄语杂志的责任编辑。我对此很感兴趣,尽管之前没有类似的工作经验,但还是欣然接受,因为俗话说得好:手比头高,实践出真知。5月底,我同罗季诺夫在上海与总部项目官员以及西班牙、阿拉伯、法国、日本、泰国、韩国等新刊编辑代表见面,之后便展开了杂志的创建工作。 In early May 2010,the Confucius Institute Headquarters launched multilingual versions of the Confucius Institute with different languages,including the Chinese-Russian version,which attracted great attention from the Confucius Institute at Saint-Petersburg State University.The Headquarters asked several Confiicius Institutes,including us,to deliver our views on the development of and the overall operation plan for the magazine and to introduce our own strengths.First of all,Saint Petersburg is one of the largest cities in Russia.As a treasure of global culture,it has been attracting tourists from all over the world,including the Chinese people.Secondly,as one of the top university in the world,Saint-Petersburg State University owns Faculty of Oriental Studies,which is one of the most time-honored and best research institutes for oriental countries in Russia.Therefore,the Confucius Institute at Saint-Petersburg State Universities stood out among many Confucius Institutes participating in the competitive bidding.Alexey Rodionov,the Director of the Confucius Institute at that time,asked me if I would like to undertake the project and become the chief editor of the Russian edition.I had deep interest for that,although I had no same work experience before,I still accepted the offer.As the saying goes,Experience is the best teacher.At the end of May,Rodionov and I met in Shanghai with project officers from the Headquarters and representatives of editors of new versions of the Confiicius Institute such as Spain,Arab,France,Japan,Thailand and Korea,and then we started planning the periodical.
作者 米珍妮 Evgenia Mikina(Confucius Institute Chinese-Russian bilingual version)
出处 《孔子学院》 2019年第4期12-15,共4页 Confucius Institute
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