目的了解江苏省15岁及以上人群现在吸烟状态及影响因素,为确定控烟干预重点人群提供科学依据。方法于2017年6-8月采用分层多阶段整群随机抽样方法,抽取江苏省28个监测点的7987名15岁及以上常住居民为调查对象,使用全球成人烟草调查(GATS)标准化问卷进行调查。采用SPSS 22.0复杂抽样模块进行单因素和多因素logistic回归分析以及基于复杂抽样设计的χ^2检验。结果7231名江苏省15岁及以上居民完成有效调查,现在吸烟率为22.9%(95%CI:21.8%~24.1%)。多因素logistic回归结果显示,年龄(与≥65岁相比,45~64岁的OR=1.362,95%CI:1.046~1.773)、教育水平(与大专及以上人群相比,高中、初中、小学及以下的OR值分别为1.600、1.553、2.139)和职业(与其他职业相比,农林牧渔水利业、教师、医务人员、离退休人员的OR值分别为0.656、0.359、0.127、0.640)是影响男性现在吸烟状况的因素;年龄(与≥65岁相比,45~64岁的OR=0.315,15~44的OR=0.054)是影响女性现在吸烟状况的因素,均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。江苏省15岁及以上居民现在每日吸烟率为20.0%(95%CI:18.7%~21.4%),不同性别、年龄、教育水平、职业的居民现在每日吸烟率差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论低教育水平男性、中年女性是需要关注的控烟重点人群。应重点加强对不同重点人群的精细化控烟宣传和戒烟干预;推进控烟立法和框架公约履约进程。
Objective To understand the current smoking status in residents(≥15 years old)of Jiangsu Province and to provide the scientific basis for confirming the important residents of tobacco control.Methods During June to August of 2017,the stratified multi-stage cluster random sampling method was used to select 7978 permanent residents(≥15 years old)in 28 monitoring points of Jiangsu Province as the subjects.The investigation was conducted by the Global Adult Tobacco Survey(GATS)standardized questionnaire.The complex sampling module was used to perform the univariate and multivariate logistic regression for analyzing the data,and theχ^2 test on the basis of complex sampling design was utilized to analyze the data.The used software was SPSS 22.0.Results There were 7231 effective questionnaires from residents(≥15 years old)of Jiangsu Province,the current smoking rate was 22.9%(95%CI:21.8%-24.1%).Multivariate logistic regression results showed that age(OR=1.362,95%CI:1.046-1.773,when 45-64 years old was compared with≥65 years old),the education level(OR values were1.600,1.553 and 2.139,when high school level,middle school level and elementary school level were compared with college level separately)and occupations(OR values were 0.656,0.359,0.127 and 0.640,when agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry,fishery,water resources,teachers,medical staff and retirees were compared with other jobs separately)were male influencing factors of smoking status;age(OR=0.315,when 45-64 years old was compared with≥65 years old;OR=0.054,when 15-44 years old was compared with≥65 years old)was female influencing factor of smoking status;P<0.01.The daily smoking rate in residents(≥15 years old)of Jiangsu Province was 20.0%(95%CI:18.7%-21.4%),there were significant differences of daily smoking rate among different sex,age,education levels and different jobs(P<0.01).Conclusion Low education level male and middle-aged female are the key populations for tobacco control.Tobacco control education and smoking cessation intervention should be designed specifically for different target populations.Tobacco control legislation and the implementation of the framework convention should be promoted in the future.
HE Chu;QU Chen;XU Yan;MAO Tao;YANG Guo-ping;LI Xiao-ning(Health Education Department,Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Nanjing,Jiangsu Province 210009,China)
Chinese Journal of Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases