
翻转课堂与传统课堂的深度融合探索——以《商务英语翻译》创新教学模式为例 被引量:3

On the Integration of Flipped Classroom and Traditional Classroom——A Case Study of Innovating Teaching Model of Business English Translation
摘要 翻转课堂与传统课堂各有利弊,新形势下不能单纯诉诸某一种模式,要将两者有机融合取长补短。《商务英语翻译》的操作方式是,将不适于面授的置于线上供自学,将艰深的放在课内按传统方式传授,通过课堂讨论、练习、集中讲解巩固内化。实践表明,融合课堂利于提升自学能力、沟通交流能力以及营造宽松的学习氛围,但不利于掌控在线学习成效,要从在线资源、教学环节、监督等方面加以改进,打造能使学生各方面能力得到提升的新型教学模式。 Flipped classroom and traditional classroom both have advantages and disadvantages that it is inappropriate to adopt either of them alone under the new situation.It is advisable to integrate them for reinforcing their strengths and offsetting their weaknesses.Taking the integrated classroom for Business English Translation for an example,what is inappropriate to teach in class tend to be published for self-teaching while the difficult part is usually taught face to face,and consolidate both through presentations,discussions,practice and teacher’s explanation in class.Practice has proven that the integrated class model on one hand raises students’self-study and communicative abilities as well as creates harmonious and pleasant atmosphere for learning;on the other hand,it loses control of the discipline of learning online.Therefore,it is suggested to improve the quality of online recourses,complete teaching links and intensify supervision with the aim of facilitating a new teaching model which can enable students to develop comprehensively in a relaxed atmosphere.
作者 毛静林 Mao Jinglin(School of Foreign Languages,Taizhou University,Linhai 317000,Zhejiang,China)
出处 《台州学院学报》 2019年第4期89-92,共4页 Journal of Taizhou University
基金 台州学院课程改革2017年研究课题“商务英语专业翻译课程‘研讨式’在线教学模式探索与研究”的阶段性成果之一
关键词 翻转课堂 传统课堂 融合 《商务英语翻译》 知识传授 巩固内化 flipped classroom traditional classroom integration Business English Translation knowledge imparting consolidation and internalization
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