《上海师范大学学报(自然科学版)》创刊于1958年,是由上海市教育委员会主管、上海师范大学主办的中英文自然科学综合性学术类刊物,在国内外公开发行(ISSN 1000-5137,CN 31-1416/N).自创刊以来,《上海师范大学学报(自然科学版)》一直享有良好的声誉,并被《中国数学文摘》、德国《数学文摘》(ZM)、《中国学术期刊文摘》、Directory of Open Access Journal(DOAJ)等多家国内外文献数据库和检索系统收录.
Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Natural Sciences)was inaugurated in 1958 with international issue number ISSN 1000-5137 and domestic issue number CN 31-1416/N.Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Natural Science):Issue on Mathematicc,the Co-Editor-in-Chief of which is Professor HAN Maoan,is published annually by Shanghai Normal University as agular issue of the Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Natural Sciences)from 2014.
Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Natural Sciences)