

Effective Combination of Learning Case Method and Flipping Classroom:A New Way of English Teaching Reform in Higher Vocational Colleges
摘要 高等职业学校作为培养人才的重要场所,其英语教学质量直接决定了社会需求的人才质量。目前高等职业学校英语教师已采用翻转课堂与学案教学结合的教学模式,但还未全面推广。根据翻转课堂与学案教学两种模式特点,应该在高等学校英语教学过程中将两种模式有效结合,在高等职业院校中英语课堂全面推广,需要优化学案的内容设计,强化英语的实质;教学精心制作翻转课堂视频,强化对教学内容的预习与巩固;在课堂讨论中充分融合翻转视频与学案以达到教学最优化。 As an important place for training talents,the quality of English teaching in higher vocational schools directly determines the quality of talents needed by the society.At present,English teachers in higher vocational schools have adopted the teaching mode of combining flipping classroom with project teaching,but it has not been fully promoted.Starting from the two modes of flip classroom and plan teaching,this paper explores how to effectively combine the two modes in the process of College English teaching and promote them in the English classroom of Higher Vocational colleges.It is necessary to optimize the content design of the study plan and strengthen the essence of English;to elaborately produce flip classroom videos to strengthen the preview and consolidation of teaching content;and to fill in classroom discussions.Fusion of flip video and project to achieve teaching optimization.
作者 李智君 LI Zhijun(Department of Basic Education,Central Hunan Normal College for Preschool Children,ShaoyangHunan 422000)
出处 《兴义民族师范学院学报》 2019年第5期112-115,共4页 Journal of Minzu Normal University of Xingyi
关键词 高职英语教学 翻转课堂 学案教学 English teaching in Higher Vocational colleges flipping classroom learning plan teaching
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