
共庆中蒙建交七十周年 同祝两国合作再谱新篇

Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Ties between China and Mongolia Wishing the two Countries a New Chapter in their Cooperation
摘要 值此中蒙建交70周年之际,我谨代表中华人民共和国驻蒙古国大使馆全体使馆人员对《中国蒙古国建交70周年特刊》的出版表示热烈祝贺!中蒙是山水相连的友好邻邦。2014年,习近平主席对蒙古国进行历史性访问,双方建立全面战略伙伴关系,中蒙关系进入历史最好时期。近年来,随着“一带一路”倡议与蒙古国“发展之路”战略全面对接,两国全方位、立体式合作不断深入推进。为庆祝中蒙建交70周年,双方商定今年年内共同举办一系列庆祝活动。前不久,蒙古国总统巴特图勒嘎对华进行国事访问并出席第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛,习近平主席、李克强总理同他举行了友好的会谈,两国领导人均表示将在新形势下进一步加强各领域交流与合作,双方还签署了多项重要合作文件。 On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Mongolia,on behalf of the staff of the embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Mongolia,I would like to extend warm congratulations on the publication of“the special issue on the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Mongolia”.China and Mongolia are friendly neighbors linked by mountains and rivers.In 2014,President Xi Jinping paid a historic visit to Mongolia,during which the two sides established a comprehensive strategic partnership and China-Mongolia relations entered the best period in history.In recent years,with the“Belt and Road”Initiative deeply aligned with Mongolia’s“Development Road”strategy,the all-round and threedimensional cooperation between the two countries has been further promoted.To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Mongolia,the two sides have agreed to jointly hold a series of celebrations this year.Recently,Mongolia’s President Battulga paid a state visit to China and attended the second“Belt and Road”Forum for International Cooperation.President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang had very good talks with Battulga,and the leaders said both of the two countries will further strengthen exchanges and cooperation in various fields under the new situation.The two sides also signed a number of important cooperation documents.
作者 邢海明 Xing Haiming(Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Mongolia)
出处 《中国对外贸易》 2019年第11期8-9,共2页 China's Foreign Trade
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