
货币性激励能提升中小学教师校际交流意愿吗?——基于7省市278所学校的调查数据 被引量:20

Can Monetary Incentive Increase Teachers’ Inter-school Exchange Intention: A Survey Study of 278 Schools in China
摘要 本文采用7省市278所学校教师的调查数据,分别通过两分类别逻辑回归和一般有序逻辑回归方法就中小学教师参与校际交流意愿和对津贴补助期望水平的影响因素进行了计量分析。在控制个体特征、学校特征和区位特征的条件下,重点考察了津贴补助与住房福利政策对促进教师校际交流的效果。研究发现,目前中小学教师校际流动以学校类型和区位同层交流居多,津贴补助和住房福利政策的覆盖率比较低,教师期待的津贴补助数额达工资30%左右,各地保障水平与教师期望还有较大差距。津贴补助和住房福利能显著提升中小学教师的校际交流意愿,为流动教师提供住房福利可有效降低他们对津贴补助的期望水平。教师对走教、送教的交流意愿强于定点支教,将区位向下流动教师的人事关系随迁至新学校不利于交流教师在基层学校安心教学,改善学校环境与工作条件能显著提升教师来校交流的意愿,降低教师对津贴补助的期望水平。基于这些发现,本文提出若干促进县域内义务教育均衡发展的政策性意见,包括推进区域内教师工资的统一标准化改革、建立基于因素法的交流教师津补贴制度、继续深化“局管校聘”人事改革。 Based on survey data from 278 schools in seven provinces in China,this paper,using binary logistic regression and generalized ordered logistic regression,investigates the factors influencing the willingness of primary and secondary school teachers to participate in inter-school exchange and their expectation level of subsidy.It also examines the actual effect of subsidy and housing benefits on the willingness of inter-school exchange.It's found that the current inter-school exchange of teachers is dominated by the same-level exchanges of school types and locations,and the coverage of subsidies and housing benefits is relatively low,while the expected amount of subsidy is about 30%of their salary,which means there is still a big gap.Subsidies and housing benefits can,to a certain extent,significantly enhance the teachers’willingness of inter-schools exchange,and there is a substitute relationship between subsidies and housing welfare.Teachers'willingness to participate in‘hard exchange’is stronger than that of“soft exchange”.Transferring the personnel relationship of the downward-moving teachers to the targeted schools will significantly enhance their willingness of inter-schools move again.Improved school environment and working conditions has a significant positive impact on teachers'inter-schools exchange intention,but negative impact on teachers'expectation of subsidies.Based on the findings,this paper puts forward some policy suggestions on promoting the intra-county balanced development of compulsory education,including promoting the reform of teachers'unified salary standard,establishing a factor-based subsidy system,and deepening the reform of‘Administration by Bureau,Recruitment by Schools’.
作者 黄斌 张琼文 云如先 Huang Bin;Zhang Qiongwen;Yun Ruxian(School of Public Administration,Nanjing University of Finance and Economics,Nanjing 210023,China)
出处 《华东师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第6期94-108,共15页 Journal of East China Normal University:Educational Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金教育学一般课题“县域义务教育学校教师校际交流补偿机制研究”(BFA190054)
关键词 津贴补助 中小学教师 校际交流 意愿 subsidies primary and junior school teachers inter-school exchange intention
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