
煤层气与页岩气共采可行性探讨 被引量:1

Feasibility Study on Joint Exploitation of Coalbed Methane and Shale Gas
摘要 以萍乐坳陷上二叠统乐平组煤系为例,探讨煤层气、页岩气联合开采的可行性。研究表明:①煤系是煤层气、页岩气联合开采的重要物质基础,有机质为腐殖型干酪根与腐泥-腐殖型干酪根的地层对于煤层气、页岩气在空间上的叠置具有重要控制作用;②依据上二叠统乐平组岩性组合,在研究区归纳出2种气藏模式:页岩气为主兼煤层气和煤层气、页岩气兼探复式气藏模式,气藏模式类型主要受沉积环境控制;③依据地质信息叠合法,优选出丰城-樟树区块为煤层气、页岩气联合开采首选区域。最后探讨了适合煤层气、页岩气联合开采的开发方式。 Investigates the feasibility of the joint exploration of the coalbed methane and shale gas-a case study of upper Permian Leping formation coal measure in Pingle sag.Results shows that:①coal measure strata is the most important material base for the joint exploitation of coalbed methane and shale gas,and organic matter as humic and sapropelic kerogen–humic kerogen type are on the role of a control of the formation of gas-bearing in the space of two superimposed;②Based on lithologic association characteristics,two kinds of the aggregation model of gas reservoir formation are recognized:mainly shale gas,coalbed methane as complement and coalbed methane and shale gas are mainly.Moreover,the two kinds are controlled by sedimentary environment;③Fengcheng-Zhangshu area are the first optimization regions to launch coalbed methane and shale gas joint exploration using superimposition method with geological conditions.Finally,introduces the appropriate ways of the joint exploitation of coalbed methane and shale gas.
作者 陈冬生 CHEN Dong-sheng(No.223 Geological Party,Coal Geological Bureau of Jiangxi Province,Yingtan 335000,China)
出处 《煤炭技术》 CAS 2019年第10期5-8,共4页 Coal Technology
基金 江西省重大科技专项(20124ABE02103 20124ABE02108)
关键词 煤层气 页岩气 联合可采 气藏聚集模式 萍乐坳陷 coalbed methane shale gas joint exploitation gas reservoir aggregation model Pingle sag
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