
中国文学典籍在匈牙利的译介概略 被引量:4

Translation and Popularization of Chinese Literary Classics in Hungary
摘要 上世纪五十年代开始至九十年代,在“一带一路”沿线的匈牙利出现了中国文学典籍翻译和传播的“黄金时期”,包括乐府诗和唐诗的中国古典诗歌、四大名著为代表的中国古典小说和《西厢记》等为代表的古典戏剧等大量古典文学作品被匈牙利汉学家翻译为匈牙利语,使得中国文学经典得以在匈牙利广为传播。在梳理中国文学典籍中匈牙利语翻译的基础上,对其特点进行了概括分析,并讨论了中国文学在匈牙利翻译和传播对新时期“一带一路”背景下中国文化走出去的启示。 From 1950s to 1990s,many major Chinese literary classics were translated into Hungarian by Sinologists,which was regarded as the golden age of translation in Hungarian history.The works translated include Tang poems,the four classic novels of Chinese literature,and classic plays.On the basis of a brief introduction to the translation history of Chinese literary classics in Hungary,the features are analyzed and some insights are gained from this for the promotion of Chinese culture going global in the context of Belt and Road Initiative.
作者 王治江 王雪彤 王靖怡 WANG Zhi-jiang;WANG Xue-tong;WANG Jing-yi(North China University of Science and Technology,Tangshan Hebei 063210,China)
机构地区 华北理工大学
出处 《华北理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第6期115-120,共6页 Journal of North China University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 河北省2019年社会科学基金项目“中国文化典籍在匈牙利的翻译和传播研究”(项目编号:HB19YY005)的阶段性成果
关键词 中国文学典籍 匈牙利 翻译和传播 “一带一路” literary classics hungary translation and popularization Belt and Road
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