
中国近年南海争端安全战略:“区别对待,双管齐下” 被引量:3

A Preliminary Discussion about China’s Security Strategy in the South China Sea Dispute in Recent Decade:“Treat Differently and Adopting Two-Pronged Strategy”
摘要 南海争端是影响亚太地区局势的热点问题之一。岛礁的归属问题以及海区形势的发展,既关系到中国建设海洋强国的宏大目标,又涉及与东南亚国家的外交形势。合适的战略有助于在维护国家利益的大前提下,以最为妥善的方式解决争端。在20世纪七八十年代,中国在处理南海争端时主要以“维权”为重心,进入21世纪后,南海“维稳”也成为了国家重要考虑事项。通过一种整体性视角的考察,可以发现近年来中国在南海争端上的安全战略可以被概括为“区别对待,双管齐下”。“区别对待”指的是把能够影响南海争端走向的国家划分为直接关系到南海形势稳定的东南亚域内国家和地理上不在东南亚范围内的域外国家两类,以域内国家作为解决南海问题的互动对象并反对域外国家干预问题的解决。“双管齐下”指的是在解决南海岛礁争端的过程中同时采用合作与斗争两种手段,既良性地推动南海问题的解决又针对性地对域内和域外国家的挑衅活动进行威慑与反制。该战略发挥了中国在综合国力上的优势,通过多样化目标的设置以及双重手段的运用,维护了中国在南海的领土主权,既合理地回应了挑衅活动,又起到了管控风险,防止擦枪走火的作用。此种将持续性和灵活性相结合的战略利于中国在南海争端解决过程中营造一种有利的态势。 The South China Sea dispute is one of the hot issues affecting the situation in the Asia-Pacific region.The right strategy helps to resolve disputes in the most appropriate way under the premise of safeguarding national interests.Under the observation of a holistic perspective,It could conclude that China’s security strategy in the South China Sea dispute in recent decade can be summarized as"Treat Differently and Adopting Two-Pronged Strategy".“Treat Differently”refers to the division of countries that can influence the trend of south China sea disputes into two categories:countries in the southeast Asia region that are directly related to the stability of the south China sea and countries outside the southeast Asia region that are not geographically in the southeast Asia.“Countries in the region should be taken as the interactive objects to solve the south China sea issue and oppose the intervention of countries outside the region.Adopting Two-Pronged Strategy”refers to the use of both struggle and cooperation in the settlement of disputes over islands and reefs in the south China sea.It not only promotes the settlement of the south China sea issue in a benign way,but also aims to deter and counter the provocative activities of countries within and outside the region.This strategy has exerted China's advantages in comprehensive national strength.It has safeguarded China's territorial sovereignty in the South China Sea by setting pluralistic goals and adopting dual means.It has countered various provocative actions and has also managed to neutralize risks and prevent firearms from igniting.This strategy of combining continuity and flexibility is conducive to China's creation of a favorable situation in the dispute resolution process in the South China Sea.
作者 戴正 郑先武 Dai Zheng;Zheng Xianwu
出处 《印度洋经济体研究》 CSSCI 2019年第5期106-129,155,156,共26页 Indian Ocean Economic and Political Review
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“‘一带一路’与澜湄国家命运共同体构建研究”(项目批准号:17ZDA042)以及国家社科基金一般项目“二战后东南亚区域合作起源与演变研究”(项目批准号:15BSS040)支持
关键词 南海争端 安全 战略 外交 Security Dispute of South China Sea Strategy Diplomacy
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