
三方合作:现状、路径及全球治理的多元化 被引量:4

Triangular Cooperation: Present, Paths and Diversification of Global Governance
摘要 三方合作是指两个或多个发展中国家与第三方以分享关键的发展解决方案为主的合作方式。通过三方合作,充分利用各参与方的优势,实现优势互补,是将南南合作纳入南北援助框架的有效方式。三方合作模式使合作更加贴合东道国实际需求,更大程度上尊重与保证东道国的参与度与自主权。近年来,特别是2015年通过《改变我们的世界:2030年可持续发展议程》以后,全球对三方合作的关注度持续上升,全球范围内的三方合作项目也呈高速增长的趋势。三方合作也越来越受到中国政府的关注和重视。近年来,三方合作的范围、规模和领域不断扩大。当前,三方合作的路径主要包括区域内三方合作、跨区域三方合作和与国际组织在全球开展的三方合作三种。三方合作的不断兴起符合全球治理多元化的发展趋势,该模式有利于增加新兴援助国、发展中国家乃至最不发达国家在全球治理体系中的存在感和发言权,有利于实现公平和有效的全球治理。 Triangular cooperation means that two or more developing countries share their key developing solutions with a third party.Triangular cooperation,which takes full advantage of each participant’s complementary strengths,is an effective way that brings the South-South cooperation into the South-North assistance framework.Triangular cooperation model better meets the host countries’actual demands and offers more respect and guarantee for the host countries’participation and autonomy.Recently,especially after the Transforming Our World:the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was passed,triangular cooperation projects have mushroomed across the world with rising global concern.Chinese government has also paid growing attention to triangular cooperation.Recently the scope,scale and field of triangular cooperation have been continuously increasing.Now triangular cooperations paths include intra-regional triangular cooperations,inter-regional triangular cooperations and triangular cooperations developed with international organizations.Triangular cooperations’continuous rise fits the developing tendency of the diversification of global governance.The triangular cooperation model helps to increase the presence and voice of new donor countries,developing countries and even the least developed countries in global governance system and also assists fair and effective global governance.
作者 张颖 汪心宇 Zhang Ying;Wang Xinyu(School of International Relations and Diplomacy of Beijing Foreign Studies University;Editorial Department of International;Editorial Department of Area Studies&Global Governance;Research Center for Pacific Studies)
出处 《区域与全球发展》 2019年第6期75-93,157,158,共21页 Area Studies and Global Development
基金 北京市社会科学基金重点项目“习近平首脑外交与新型国际关系构建研究”(项目编号:17ZGA003)的阶段性成果 北京外国语大学世界亚洲研究信息中心资助
关键词 三方合作 发展援助 全球治理 全球治理的多元化 Triangular cooperation developing assistance global governance diversification of global governance
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