目的:以未经训练过的健康中老年绝经后女性为研究对象,探讨不同力量训练方案对其骨密度(BMD)的影响.将90名中老年女性(54.1±5.9岁)随机分为3组(抗组训练组、功能性力量训练组和对照组),每组30人.抗阻训练组进行BODYPUMP?训练,功能性力量训练组进行BODYBALANCE?训练,另外,2组都进行RPM?训练.受试者共进行24周训练,其中,前4周为初级训练,接着10周的训练阶段中,受试者每周完成3次功率自行车训练课和2次力量训练课.第2个10周增加1次力量训练课,其他不变.对于抗阻训练组,受试者进行约20%1RM的低负荷训练,每次课60 min,选择BODYPUMP?中8个不同的动作,每个动作做100次(4组×25次)重复,所有动作一共800次重复.2组受试者在训练干预后,1)体脂率均极显著减少(抗阻训练组,P=0.001;功能性力量训练组,P=0.003),其中抗阻训练组的体脂率下降程度高于功能性力量训练组;2)抗阻训练组受试者的局部BMD有显著或极显著提高.其中,臂骨BMD提高了3.6%(P=0.006),股骨BMD提高了7.5%(P=0.028),髋关节BMD提高了5.6%(P=0.019),脊椎BMD提高了4.2%(P=0.035);3)两组受试者的上、下身力量都得到了增强,且抗阻训练组背部和腿部力量增强的幅度比功能性力量训练组分别高17.6%(P=0.022)和23.8%(P=0.009).由此可以得出,低负荷高重复的抗阻训练有利于改善绝经后中老年女性的骨质,提高中老年人的BMD.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different resistance training intervention on the bone mineral density(BMD)in untrained healthy middle aged and elderly postmenopausal woman.Methods:ninety middle aged and elderly woman(54.1±5.9 year)were randomly divided into three experimental groups:total body resistance strength training,functional core strength training and control group.The training used in this intervention were BODYPUMP?,BODYBALANCE?,and RPM?.The participants performed a 24-week training intervention.The intervention began with a 4-week preliminary training.Subsequently,the participants completed a 10-week exercise block with 3 cycling classes and 2 strength classes per week.The training content of the second 10-week block was same to the first 10-week block except performing 3 strength classes per week.For the group,participants used approximately 20%1RM to complete the low load training.Each class was 60 minutes in duration.Eight different programs of BODYPUMP?were chosen to perform 100 repetitions(4 sets×25 repetitions)per program,and thus the total repetitions of all programs were 800.Results:When the participants completed the intervention,1)body fat percentage highly significantly decreased(resistance strength training,P=0.001;functional core strength training,P=0.003)for both groups,and the body fat percentage of resistance strength training decreased higher than that of functional core strength training.2)Regional BMD increased significantly or highly significantly for the resistance strength training group.Arm BMD increased by 3.6%(P=0.006),leg BMD by 7.5%(P=0.028),pelvis BMD by 5.6%(P=0.019),and spine BMD by 4.2%(P=0.035).3)Upper and lower body strength increased for both groups.Changes in back strength and leg strength for resistance strength training were greater than those for functional core strength training by 23.8%(P=0.009)and 17.6%(P=0.022)respectively.Conclusions:Low load,high repetition resistance training was beneficial for middle aged and elderly postmenopausal woman to improve their bone mass and increase their BMD.
WANG Juan;MAGuofeng(School of Physical Education and Health,Zhaoqing University,Zhaoqing,Guangdong 526061,China)
Journal of Zhaoqing University
resistance training
bone mineral density(BMD)
postmenopausal woman