

Morphological Study of A Posterior Malleolus Based on 3D CT
摘要 采用后踝骨折患者的三维CT影像学资料,测量、采集并分析该类骨折的形态学资料,用于指导临床治疗方案的选择及生物力学研究模型的建立。选取累及后踝且保存有完整的X线及三维CT影像学资料的踝关节骨折病例106例,采集测量影像学横断面及矢状面上的相关数据并进行统计学分析。结果显示:后踝骨折的平均高度为19.27 mm,平均累及横断面关节面面积为13.67%,平均横断面夹角为23.0°,平均矢状面夹角为15.5°。研究结果表明:后踝骨折的发生存在明显的垂直剪切应力;通过深入分析后踝骨折的形态学特征,可以优化手术计划,更有效地指导内固定的选择和植入。 The objective of this study was to evaluate the morphological characteristics of the posterior malleolus fragment(PMF)based on 3-D computed tomography scans.106 cases were contained in this study.And the cross angle(α),fragment length ratio(FLR),fragment weight ratio(FWR),fragment area ratio(FAR),sagittal angle(θ),and fragment height(FH)were measured as morphological assessments in the picture archiving and communication system(PACS).The results showed us with an average FH of 19.27 mm,an average FAR of 13.67%,an averageαof 23.0°and an averageθof 15.5°.In conclusions,the PMF showed features with vertical nature based on the analysis of the sagittal angle.The information obtained in this research will be helpful for determining an appropriate surgical approach and the choice of inplants.
作者 姚凌 罗从风 李荣议 林海滨 YAO Ling;LUO Congfeng;LI Rongyi;LIN Haibin(Department of Orthopedic,The Affiliated Hospital of Putian University,Putian Fujian 351100,China;Department of Orthopedic Surgery,Shanghai Sixth People s Hospital,Shanghai 200233,China)
出处 《莆田学院学报》 2019年第5期18-21,共4页 Journal of putian University
基金 福建省医疗“创双高”建设省级临床重点专科建设项目(2018145)
关键词 三维CT 后踝骨折 形态学特征 3-D computed tomography posterior malleolus fragment morphological characteristics
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