During World WarⅡ,with the constant expansion of war and the growing shortage of domestic labors,to fuel war with warfare became unsustainable for Japan.In order to guarantee the normal operation of domestic wartime industries as well as to support the constant expansion and escalation of war of aggression,Japanese government made and implemented the policy of recruiting and forcing laborers to work in Japan.From 1943 to 1945,the Japanese recruited and captured approximately 40,000 Chinese laborers to work in their country.Coal mines became main workplaces,where more than 16,000 Chinese laborers were forced to do hard physical work.These Chinese laborers worked in 47 coal mines in Japan,living a miserable life without enough food and clothes and living in shabby residences.In addition,due to long working hours and high intensity of labor,Chinese laborers had to face the threat of various accidents and live up with mental torture every now and then.All of these caused the death and injuries of thousands of Chinese laborers,which was a tragic page in the history of World WarⅡand the Anti-Japanese War.
XUE Yi(School of Marxism,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou Jiangsu 221115)
Journal of Hubei Polytechnic University(Humanities And Social Sciences)