
创新团队的领导时间统筹与员工同步配合的协同机理研究 被引量:8

The Synergy Mechanism of Temporal Leadership and Employees’ Synchronization in Innovation Teams
摘要 创新加速迭代以及时间的不可逆与稀缺性,决定了时间是企业创新制胜的关键资源之一。创新团队如何通过领导员工协同配合发挥时间优势,成为实践和理论关注的焦点。结合团队协调理论,构建一个领导时间统筹与员工同步配合的协同模型,旨在揭示:(1)时间领导力如何促进不同时间特性的个体达成团队时间共识,进而在同步偏好的调节作用下,产生高效的团队创造力的问题;(2)团队时间共识衍生的时间认知冲突,又是如何通过削弱同步偏好进而抑制时间共识转化为团队创造力的问题;(3)时间领导力如何通过促进个体调整时间心理账户的一致性,激活同步偏好,进而化解时间共识衍生的副作用的问题。本研究为打开创新任务的"时间悖论"提供了一个综合分析框架,也为团队协同创新提供了新的研究视角和实践指南。 Based on the team coordination theory, this paper constructs a theoretical analysis framework for the synchronous cooperation between temporal leaders and employees, with a view to promoting the research and practice of team collaborative innovation from a time perspective. The study consists of three parts: First, how does temporal leadership promote individuals with different time traits to reach a time consensus, so as to produce efficient team creativity under the moderation of employees’ synchrony preference? Second, how does time cognitive conflict derived from team time consensus inhibit the transformation of time consensus into team creativity by weakening synchrony preference?Third, how does temporal leadership help individuals to adjust the mental accounting of time, activate synchrony preference, and thus eliminate the side-effects derived from time consensus? According to the research findings, temporal diversity(time urgency, pacing style, and time focus)is helpful to meet the requirements of diversity time combinations of innovation tasks(e.g. speed vs. quality;long-term vs.short-term), but only if a time consensus of teams is formed and individuals have a high synchrony preference. Powerful temporal leadership is beneficial to balance temporal individual differences to form time consensus;while this process impacts upon individuals’ established habits of the time, causes time cognitive conflict, weakens synchrony preference, and thus brings adverse effects on team creativity.Therefore, effective temporal leadership also includes a time motivate dimension, that is, it brings individual time arrangement into the team track by activating individual mental accounting of time, time cognitive conflict is reduced, and synchrony preference is improved. Finally, under the synchronous cooperation between temporal leaders and employees, team time efficiency and team creativity are promoted. In conclusion, this study provides a comprehensive analysis framework for opening up the"time paradox" of innovation tasks, and also provides a new research perspective and practical guidance for team collaborative innovation. On the one hand, this study extends the application of the team coordination theory in the field of time management, integrates the explicit and implicit time coordination ways, and constructs a collaborative model of synchronous cooperation between temporal leaders and employees;meanwhile, it expands the connotation and measurement dimension of temporal leadership. On the other hand, the research conclusion suggests that enterprises should pay more attention to the cultivation of temporal leadership, enhance the synchronous cooperation ability of team members, and take temporal heterogeneity into account when setting up heterogeneous teams. In addition, leaders should not only improve their time management skills, but also cultivate their temporal incentive power.
作者 马君 闫嘉妮 Ma Jun;Yan Jiani(School of Management,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444,China)
出处 《外国经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第10期141-152,共12页 Foreign Economics & Management
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71872111) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(16YJA630036)
关键词 时间多样性 时间领导力 时间心理账户 同步偏好 团队创造力 temporal diversity temporal leadership mental accounting of time synchrony preference team creativity
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