
中文版De Jong Gierveld孤独量表的信效度研究 被引量:15

Reliability and Validity of the Chinese Version of the De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale
摘要 背景 目前我国老年人口数逐年增多,孤独感已成为老年人常见的心理问题,早期筛查老年人孤独感,有助于提高其心理健康水平和生活质量.目前UCLA孤独自评量表应用广泛,但其条目多,耗时长.De Jong Gierveld孤独量表(DJGLS)专门针对老年人设计且条目少,省时省力.目的 探讨中文版DJGLS在中国农村老年人中的信效度.方法 2018年3-6月,采用便利抽样法,在辽宁省鞍山市选取红旗村、上栗园村、下栗园村、岔沟村、李房村、黄家村的老年人515例为调查对象.采用Brislin双人翻译-回译法对DJGLS进行汉化,形成中文版DJGLS.采用一般人口学特征问卷、中文版DJGLS对调查对象进行调查,共发放问卷515份,回收有效问卷500份,有效回收率为97.1%.采用便利抽样法从500例调查对象中选取50例,间隔2周后采用中文版DJGLS对其进行再次调查.分析中文版DJGLS的信效度.结果 中文版DJGLS的Cronbach'sα系数为0.820,社交孤独、情感孤独维度的Cronbach'sα系数为0.792、0.737;中文版DJGLS的Guttman分半信度为0.806;中文版DJGLS的重测信度为0.889.中文版DJGLS的量表水平的内容效度指数(S-CVI/UA)为0.909,条目水平的内容效度指数(I-CVI)为0.833~1.000,平均量表水平的内容效度指数(S-CVI/Ave)为0.985.将调查对象中文版DJGLS总分从高到低排序,分别以正向和反向总例数的第27%例调查对象的中文版DJGLS总分为临界值(分别为7分和3分),将调查对象分为高分组(155例)和低分组(191例).高分组中文版DJGLS各条目得分均高于低分组(P<0.05).中文版DJGLS各条目得分与其总分的r值为0.439~0.746(P<0.05),社交孤独、情感孤独维度得分与其总分的r值分别为0.913、0.772(P值均<0.05).在探索性因子分析中,采用主成分分析,经方差最大旋转法后得到2个特征值>1.000的公因子,累积方差贡献率为50.87%,各条目因子载荷为0.405~0.832.验证性因子分析结果显示,χ2/df=2.479,适配度指数(GFI)=0.966,调整后适配度指数(AGFI)=0.945,增值适配度指数(IFI)=0.967,非规准适配指数(TLI)=0.956,比较适配指数(CFI)=0.967,简约适配度指数(PGFI)=0.600,渐进残差均方和平方根(RMSEA)=0.054,残差均方和平方根(RMR)=0.011,理论模型值为281.993,独立模型值为1976.182,饱和模型值为476.164.修正后标准化结构方程模型标准化回归系数取值范围为0.24~0.89.结论 中文版DJGLS信效度良好,可用于我国农村老年人孤独感的调查. Background Loneliness has become a common psychological problem in the elderly in China,a population group increasing year by year.Early screening of loneliness can improve the level of mental health and quality of life in the elderly.The UCLA Loneliness Scale is a widely used measurement tool,but its items are many,and the measurement process is time-consuming.In contrast,De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale(DJGLS),a scale specially designed for the elderly,has less entries,is time-saving and efficient.Objective To test the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of DJGLS among rural elderly people in China.Methods The DJGLS was Chinesized following Brislin's classic model for translation and validation of instruments guidelines for cross-cultural research,including translation,and back-translation,done independently by two translators.Then it was tested in 515 rural elderly people selected from 6 villages(Hongqi,Shangliyuan,Xialiyuan,Chagou,Lifang,Huangjia),Anshan,Liaoning Province between March and June,2018 by use of convenience sampling.General personal characteristics were collected by a self-designed Demographic Characteristic Questionnaire at the same time.This round of survey achieved a response rate of 97.1%(500/515).Two weeks later,the Chinese version of DJGLS was retested in a convenience sample of 50 out of the 500 respondents.The reliability and validity of the Chinesized DJGLS were analyzed after the retest.Results The Cronbach'αfor the Chinese version of DJGLS,and the two subscales of social loneliness,emotional loneliness was 0.820,0.792,0.737,respectively.The scale's Guttman split-half reliability coefficient was 0.806,test-retest reliability coefficient was 0.889.The content validity index(S-CVI/UA)of scale level was 0.909,the content validity index(I-CVI)of item level ranged from 0.833 to 1.000,and the(S-CVI/Ave)was 0.985.The total scores of the scale were sorted from high to low,and 27%(155 cases,critical value was 7)of the top ranked and 27%(191 cases,critical value was 3)of the bottom ranked were assigned to high,and low score groups,respectively.The average score of each item achieved by the high score group was higher than that obtained by the low score group(P<0.05).Item-total correlation coefficients ranged from 0.439 to 0.746(P<0.05).Correlation coefficients of social loneliness,emotional loneliness with the total score were 0.913,0.772,respectively(P<0.05).By exploratory factor analysis using principal component analysis with varimax rotation,two common factors with eigenvalue>1.000 were obtained,explaining 50.87%of the total variance.The loading values of items were from 0.405 to 0.832.Confirmatory factor analysis showed that,the fit indices wereχ2/df=2.479,GFI=0.966,AGFI=0.945,IFI=0.967,TLI=0.956,CFI=0.967,PGFI=0.600,RMSEA=0.054,RMR=0.011.The CAIC for the default model,independence model,and saturated model was 281.993,1976.182,and 476.164,respectively.The amended standardized regression coefficient ranged from 0.24 to 0.89.Conclusion The Chinese version of DJGLS has good reliability and validity.It could be used to assess the level of loneliness among China's rural elderly.
作者 杨兵 郭蕾蕾 YANG Bing;GUO Leilei(School of Nursing,Jinzhou Medical University,Jinzhou 121001,China)
出处 《中国全科医学》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第33期4110-4115,共6页 Chinese General Practice
关键词 孤独 老年人 农村人口 DE Jong Gierveld孤独量表 信度 效度 Loneliness Aged Rural population De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale Reliability Validity
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