
蒲封:秦汉时期简牍文书的一种封缄方式 被引量:2

Bulrush Sealing:a Sealing Method of Bamboo Slip and Wooden Tablet Documents During the Qin and Han Dynasties
摘要 关于简牍文书的封缄方式,王国维先生在《简牍检署考》中曾有考证,“至书牍之封缄法,则于牍上复加一板,以绳缚之。……其所用以封之板,谓之检”;“检之与牍同大小者,亦谓之梜,又谓之检柙”;“汉时书牍,其于牍上施检者,则牍检如一,所谓检柙是也。然大抵以囊盛书,而后施检”[1]。后世学者,对此两种方式鲜有异议[2]。然而,查考秦汉简牍所见,可以发现在前述两种方式之外,至少还有“蒲封”的封缄方式。以下试简述之。 In the manuscripts of the Han Dynasty unearthed in Northwest China,terms like“pufeng[(documents)sealed with bulrush]”,“pufengshu(letter sealed with bulrush)”and“pushu(bulrush document)”are frequently seen.Based on previous research results,this paper attempts to examine materials relevant to these terms,and suggests that pufeng,pufengshu and pushu all refer to the same type of documents,the nomenclature to whom depends on their method of sealing.This paper also suggests that the bamboo slips and wooden“boards”wrapped and bound up with bulrush unearthed from the Xiejiaqiao Han tomb no.1 in Jingzhou,Hubei,were in fact an imitation to the actual form of“sealed with bulrush”.In addition,this paper provides a new interpretation and punctuation on slips nos.131 and 132 of the article“Sikong(Statutes Concerning the Controller of Works)”of the Eighteen Qin Statutes in the Shuihudi Qin manuscripts.Finally,this paper concludes that“sealed with bulrush”was the conventional way for sealing official documents.
作者 黄浩波 Huang Haobo
出处 《考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第10期98-105,共8页 Archaeology
关键词 秦汉时期 简牍文书 蒲封 封缄方式 Qin and Han Dynasties Bamboo Slips and Wooden Tablets Bulrush Sealed Methods of Document Sealing
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