

The Goal and Strategy of Family Literacy Education for Preschool Children
摘要 目前家庭对学前儿童文字意识的培养主要集中在对文字符号的构成进行识别,这是对学前儿童文字意识培养的片面理解。本文把家庭文字识别的理念分为反对派、赞成派及不作为派三类,对三类理念的优劣进行了剖析。在此基础上,提出学前儿童文字意识培养的目标为理解文字传达信息的功能,自主阅读的兴趣程度及时间长度,而达到这一目标父母所需采取的策略有三种,一是利用环境文字作为文字意识培养的天然材料;二是利用绘本文字作为文字意识培养的时空拓展材料;三是无功利心的坚持和积累。 This paper analyzes the current situation of family literacy education of pre-school children. The views on family literacy education are divided into three kinds: opposition, approval and neglect. The advantages and disadvantages of three kinds of ideas are analyzed. On this basis, it is proposed that the goal of family literacy education is the degree of interest and length of time for self-reading. There are three strategies to achieve this goal. First, we use surrounding words as natural literacy material;Secondly, we use picture text as literacy material to extend children’s field of vision;Thirdly, we need to persist and accumulate without utilitarian interest.
作者 贾红霞 JIA Hong-xia(School of Education,Beijing Open University,Beijing 100081,China)
出处 《湖北第二师范学院学报》 2019年第10期86-89,共4页 Journal of Hubei University of Education
关键词 学前儿童 文字意识培养 家庭策略 preschool children family literacy education strategy
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