

Changes of Amplitude Integration EEG during Brain Development in Premature Infants and Its Clinical Significance
摘要 目的分析早产儿脑发育过程中振幅整合脑电图的变化情况及反应的临床意义。方法选取开远市人民医院2018年1月至2019年3月收治的33例早产儿作为研究对象,所有参与本研究的早产儿均接受脑功能监护仪测定aEEG波谱带变化情况,记录并观察参与此次研究的早产儿aEEG各项指标变化情况。结果aEEG出现电压连续性变化和睡眠-觉醒呈现周期性变化的概率与孕龄呈正相关,且34周以上早产儿更容易呈现出这种周期性变化;脑电波下边界振幅与孕龄呈正相关,带宽与孕龄呈负相关。结论不同孕龄早产儿脑发育过程中振幅整合脑电图变化存在一定规律性,能为临床诊断早产儿脑发育程度提供科学依据。 Objective To analyze the changes of amplitude integrated electroencephalogram(AIEEG)during brain development in premature infants and its clinical significance.Methods Thirty-three premature infants admitted to our hospital from January 2018 to March 2019 were selected as the study subjects.All premature infants participating in this study were monitored by brain function monitor to measure the changes of aEEG bands,and the changes of aEEG indicators were recorded and observed.Results The frequency of voltage continuity and sleep-wake periodicity of aEEG was positively correlated with gestational age,and it was more likely for preterm infants over 34 weeks to show this periodic change.The boundary amplitude was positively correlated with gestational age,and the bandwidth was negatively correlated with gestational age.Conclusion There are some regularities in the changes of amplitude integrated EEG during brain development of premature infants of different gestational ages,which can provide scientific basis for clinical diagnosis of brain development of premature infants.
作者 沈雯雯 SHEN Wenwen(Kaiyuan People's Hospital Newborn Section,Yunnan Honghe 661699,China)
出处 《大医生》 2019年第9期67-68,共2页 Doctor
关键词 振幅整合脑电图 临床意义 早产儿 amplitude integrated electroencephalogram clinical significance premature infant
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