
学术影响力与国际话语权建构:文学伦理学批评十五年发展历程回顾 被引量:15

Academic Influence and the Construction of International Discourse Power: The Development of Ethical Literary Criticism in the Past Fifteen Years
摘要 文学伦理学批评是中国学者在借鉴西方伦理批评和中国道德批评的基础上创建的文学批评方法。自2004至2019年,文学伦理学批评走过了十五个春秋,从理论的提出及体系的建构,到理论的推广和丰富及批评实践运用,再到理论的拓展和深化及批评实践的系统化,文学伦理学批评日益发展成熟,已经建构了独特的理论体系和话语体系,并拥有大量的批评实践成果,学术影响力日益扩大;同时,文学伦理学批评团队积极响应国家"走出去"战略号召,致力于该理论的国际传播及国际学术话语权的建构,在国际学术发表、成立国际学术组织、举办国际会议等方面成果斐然,吸引了众多外国学者加盟,也获得了众多国际同行的高度评价。文学伦理学批评作为具有很高学术价值和现实意义的批评理论和方法,在未来的发展中,有必要在与其它理论的对话中整合新的理论资源;同时,继续拓展文学伦理学批评的实践研究,尤其需要大力开展对于包括中国文学在内的东方文学的伦理学批评实践,并尝试建构针对小说、戏剧、诗歌等不同体裁的伦理批评话语体系。 Ethical Literary Criticism is a paradigm of literary criticism established in 2004 by Chinese scholars based on Western ethical criticism and Chinese moral criticism. In the past fifteen years, from the initial introduction and the construction of its theoretical structure to the promotion, enrichment, and application of its critical approaches, the expansion and consolidation of its theoretic principles, and hence the systematization of its critical practice, Ethical Literary Criticism has gone through a long journey of development before reaching its full maturity and broad recognition today. So far, it has built a unique paradigm of theory and discourse, made numerous achievements in the application of its critical approaches, and garnered an ever-growing academic influence. Meanwhile, in an active response to the nation’s strategic call of "Go-Abroad", the team of Ethical Literary Criticism scholars has dedicated itself to promoting this new theory of literary criticism and pursuing the power of academic discourse in the world by seeking scholarly publications in international journals, setting up international academic associations, and organizing international conferences. As a result, many scholars around the world have joined us for collaboration and offered us a high praise for what we have accomplished. As a critical theory and approach of tremendous academic value and practical significance, Ethical Literary Criticism needs to explore new theoretical resources through its engagement with other literary theories in the future. Moreover, it should continue to expand its critical practice, particularly its application in the study of Oriental literature, including Chinese literature. Endeavors should also be made for an attempt to construct a special systematic discourse of ethical criticism for the study of various literary genres, such as novel, drama, poetry, etc.
作者 苏晖 Su Hui(the School of Chinese Language and Literature,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079,China)
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期34-51,共18页 Foreign Literature Studies
基金 中央高校基本科研业务项目“东西方戏剧经典的伦理叙事研究”(SK02072018-0324)~~
关键词 文学伦理学批评 理论体系 话语体系 学术影响力 国际话语权 Ethical Literary Criticism theoretical paradigm discourse system academic influence international discourse power
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