
Ka频段圆极化阵列天线的设计 被引量:2

Design of Ka Band Circularly Polarized Antenna Array
摘要 设计了一种新型16阵元Ka频段圆极化阵列天线,该阵列天线基于LTCC工艺,在天线单元四周设计了4个L型接地去耦结构,并且通过对圆极化天线单元进行顺序旋转排布,构成2×2圆极化天线子阵,对天线子阵进行4×4阵列天线的扩展仿真。基于4×4阵列天线模型,设计了旋转馈电圆极化馈电网络。测试结果表明,天线在29.4~31 GHz的驻波比优于1.9,轴比优于1.8 dB,法向增益高于13.8 dB,测试结果与仿真结果具有良好的一致性。 A new type Ka band circularly polarized antenna array with 16 elements was designed.Based on low temperature cofired ceramic(LTCC) technology,four L-type grounding decoupling structures were designed around the element.The circularly polarized antenna elements were rotated sequentially to form a 2×2 circularly polarized subarray.And the antenna subarray was extended to 4×4 array antenna and was simulated.The circular polarization feed network,used for the 4×4 array antenna model,was realized by the sequential rotation technique.The measurement results show that the VSWR of the antenna is better than 1.9,the axial ratio is less than 1.8 dB,and the peak gain is higher than 13.8 dB from 29.4 to 31 GHz.The measurement results are in good consistency with the simulation results.
作者 周媛 江肖力 韩威 魏浩 刘巍巍 袁伟光 ZHOU Yuan;JIANG Xiaoli;HAN Wei;WEI Hao;LIU Weiwei;YUAN Weiguang(The 54th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation,Shijiazhuang 050081,China)
出处 《机械与电子》 2019年第11期21-24,共4页 Machinery & Electronics
关键词 圆极化天线 微带天线 LTCC KA频段 circularly polarized antenna microstrip antenna LTCC Ka band
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