
植物功能性状与碳水通量的关系研究进展 被引量:3

Research Advances in Relationship Between Plant Functional Traits and Carbon Flux and Water Flux
摘要 全面研究碳水循环机制、变化趋势和生态系统调控管理是解决全球变暖问题、保护淡水资源、促进世界经济可持续发展的战略需要。只有深入探讨陆地生态系统的生理过程机制和环境控制原理,才能进而探明生态系统的碳汇功能和蒸发散过程,为应对气候变化的影响奠定理论基础。植物功能性状是在生物地球化学过程中影响碳水循环、物质和能量循环的根本因素,进而会影响生态系统的服务功能。因此通过对植物功能性状与碳水通量的关系研究,探讨由物种层次拓展到群落层次再延伸至生态系统层次的研究方法,进而解决植物性状观测数据与宏观生态监测数据空间尺度不匹配的问题,以推动宏观生态学的发展,解决区域生态环境问题。结合文献报道,首先综述国内外碳水通量研究进展,并阐明植物功能性状的定义及分类方式;其次按照植物个体器官分别讨论各功能性状与碳水通量的关系研究,分析植物功能性状如何影响碳水输入和输出过程;再次探讨不同功能性状间的协同作用,进而探讨植物性状与碳水通量的关系从物种到群落再到生态系统水平的尺度拓展的研究。目前由物种功能性状进行尺度推绎的研究有多种方法,如基于过程的碳水通量耦合模型,可由单叶尺度拓展至区域甚至全球尺度;单叶尺度气孔导度-光合作用-能量平衡耦合模型采用多层模拟的方法进行尺度上推,得到林冠层尺度的碳水通量模型;植物群落生物量加权法,将单叶尺度的植物性状指标拓展到群落尺度,在相同尺度水平构建生态系统内土壤-植被-大气间的功能参数的定量关系等。今后应加强如何实现由点的性状到面性状拓展,如何定量评估天然群落性状功能,如何将群落性状与生态系统性状观测技术相联等研究。以群落性状为核心连接个体性状与生态系统性状,推动微观性状指标研究与宏观性状指标研究相结合。 Comprehensive research on carbon-water cycle mechanism,change trend and ecosystem regulation and management is the strategic need to solve global warming,protect freshwater resources and promote sustainable development of the world economy. Only by deeply discussing the physiological process mechanism and environmental control principle of terrestrial ecosystem can we further explore the carbon sink function and evaporation and dispersion process of ecosystem and lay a theoretical foundation for dealing with the impact of climate change. Plant functional traits are the fundamental factors that affect the carbon and water cycle,material and energy cycle in the biogeochemical process,and then affect the service function of the ecosystem. Plant functional traits are the fundamental factors that affect the carbon and water cycle,material and energy cycle in the biogeochemical process,and then affect the service function of the ecosystem. So based on the relationship between plant functional traits and water flux of carbon research,to explore the species level to community level and extends to the ecological research method of the system level,and then solve the plant traits of observation data and macro ecological monitoring data does not match the space scale,to promote the development of macroscopic ecology and solve the problem of regional ecological environment. Based on literature reports,this paper firstly reviews the research progress of carbon and water fluxes at home and abroad,and clarifies the definition and classification of plant functional traits. Secondly,the relationship between functional traits and carbon and water fluxes was discussed according to individual plant organs,and how plant functional traits affect the process of carbon and water input and output was analyzed. The synergistic effect between different functional traits were discussed again,and then the relationship between plant traits and carbon and water fluxes was studied from species to community to ecosystem level. At present,there are many methods to deduce the scale from the functional characteristics of species,such as the process-based carbon-water flux coupling model,which can be extended from the singleleaf scale to regional or even global scale;the single-leaf scale stomatal conductance-photosynthesis-energy balance coupling model was scaled up by multi-layer simulation,and the canopy scale carbon and water flux model was obtained. The biomass weighting method of plant community extended the plant character indexes of single leaf scale to community scale,and constructs quantitative relationship of soil-vegetationatmosphere functional parameters in ecosystem at the same scale level,etc.In the future,it is necessary to strengthen the research on how to expand from point traits to area traits,how to quantitatively evaluate the function of natural community traits,and how to link community traits with observation techniques of ecosystem traits. The core of community traits is to link individual traits with ecosystem traits,and to promote the combination of microtraits and macro-traits.
作者 段玲玲 王兵 牛香 DUAN Ling-ling;WANG Bing;NIU Xiang(Research Institute of Forest Ecology,Environment and Protection,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Beijing 100091,China;Key Laboratory of Forest Ecology and Environment,National Forestry and Grassland Administration,Beijing 100091,China;Beijing Collaborative Innovation Center for Eco-Environmental Improvement with Forestry and Fruit Trees,Beijing 102206,China)
出处 《温带林业研究》 2019年第3期1-6,17,共7页 Journal of Temperate Forestry Research
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC0503804) 2019校专项-科技创新服务能力建设-科研基地建设-林果业生态环境功能提升协同创新中心(2011协同创新中心)(PXM2019_014207_000099)
关键词 碳通量 水通量 植物功能性状 性状协同 尺度推绎 CO2 fl ux water fl ux plant functional trait characteristics of synergy scale extension
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