

The Effect of E-commerce Venture Team Efficacy on Task Performance and Commitment
摘要 团队效能感是创业团队任务绩效与团队承诺的重要基础,而已有文献尚未深入探讨在中国电商创业情境下团队效能感如何有效增进任务绩效和承诺这一问题。基于社会认知理论,通过问卷调查和分析了65个电商创业团队的数据样本,并引入了团队学习行为作为中介变量,环境动态性作为调节变量,构建并检验了团队效能感对团队任务绩效与团队承诺的作用机制。研究结果显示:团队学习行为在团队效能感影响团队任务绩效过程中起部分中介作用;环境动态性负向调节了团队效能感与团队任务绩效的关系,即环境动态性越强,团队效能感与团队任务绩效的关系越弱。 Team efficacy is an important foundation for team task performance and team commitment.However,existing literature has not yet explored how team efficacy improve team task performance and team commitment in the context of e-commerce entrepreneurship in China.Based on the theory of social cognition,this paper investigates and analyzes the data samples of 65 e-commerce entrepreneurial teams,and introduces the team learning behavior as a mediator variable and the environmental dynamics as the moderate variable to construct and test the relations of team efficacy and team task performance.The research shows that team learning behavior plays a mediating role in the relation between team efficacy and team task performance,which is negatively moderated by environmental dynamics.That is,the stronger the dynamic environment is,the looser the relationship between team efficacy and team task performance is.
作者 陈戈 李珍 CHEN Ge;LI Zhen(Research Institute of Guangdong-Taiwan Business Cooperation Business School,Shantou University,Shantou,Guangdong 515063;Ruicheng(Shanghai)Talent Consulting Co.,Ltd,Shanghai 200000)
出处 《汕头大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2019年第10期68-77,96,共11页 Journal of Shantou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“基于权变视角的个体网店创业团队特征与创业团队非正式治理研究”(14BGL018) 广东省自然科学基金项目“电商创业团队绩效与团队承诺的影响因素与作用机制——基于粤东淘宝村个体网店的实证研究”(2017A030307009) 广东高校省级重大科研项目“基于权变视角的个体网店创业团队特征与创业团队动态能力研究”(2015WTSCX027) 汕头大学粤台企业合作研究院开放基金项目“基于动态管理能力的粤台企业竞争优势研究”(KFJJ201203)
关键词 团队效能感 团队学习行为 环境动态性 团队任务绩效 团队承诺 team efficacy team learning behavior environmental dynamic team task performance team commitment
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