

Cause Analysis and Improvement Suggestions of High Output Voltage of a Photovoltaic Power Station
摘要 某并网光伏电站在试运行阶段,发现箱变高压侧电压升高,导致逆变器超压报警停机、箱变超压报警等异常现象。文章通过理论计算和现场实验,对其原因进行分析,并提出了改进建议和预防措施。 During the trial operation of a grid-connected photovoltaic power station,it was found that the voltage on the high-voltage side of the box-type transformer increased,which resulted in the abnormal phenomena of overvoltage alarm and shutdown of the inverters and overvoltage alarm of the box-type transformer.Through theoretical calculations and field experiments,this paper analyzes the causes and proposes improvement suggestions and preventive measures.
作者 贺玫璐 丰圣昌 HE Meilu;FENG Shengchang(College of Electronic Information Engineering,Taiyuan University of Science and Technology,Taiyuan 030024,China;Jinneng Clean Energy Photovoltaic Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Taiyuan 030006,China)
出处 《电工技术》 2019年第20期123-124,127,共3页 Electric Engineering
基金 山西省重点研发计划项目(高新领域)(201803D121123)
关键词 光伏电站 外送电压 超压报警 photovoltaic power station output voltage overvoltage alarm
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